I can't help it.

Everything is a game to them.

The silence is broken by the American. "So, does any of you actually like sports?"

I glance at Alfred who is smiling at Ivan. "Come on, I am trying to start conversation guys, help me a bit."

Ivan sighs "Chess, soccer is interesting and uh... perhaps winter sports."

"Cool...I like baseball, basketball, I play hockey with Matt but he gets too serious and I do not like it, and I guess ice skating is fun."

They keep talking but their voices are distant. I guess is good for them to socialize a bit, without aggressions just a normal conversation.

I hear Alfred's exited voice "Oh I also like hiking and ping pong. I've been visiting my national parks more often these days..."

A shudder goes down my spine. Ping pong?

I suddenly feel like I've had this conversation before.

The smell of brewed coffee overtakes me and I see myself seated in a horrendously familiar office.

A tiny American flag placed in the desk while the figure in front of me is rambling.

"Do you like ping pong? We could arrange a match between our champions."

I roll my eyes, this is pointless, I despise him and a common enemy does not change that.

America is frowning. "You have to pay attention, I did not recognize you as the real China for you to ignore me during these encounters."

I reply tiredly. "I did not come here to hear you talk about ping pong."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair, his voice rising slightly. "You are clearly not listening, is not about ping pong, is about politics.- he sighs again and speaks calmly -as I was saying, we need to show that our cooperation is for real, so in order to do so, we are going to have a public display of friendly interaction, which is what lead us to the ping pong conversation."

I smile at him. "You are more intelligent than what I thought" I see him frown at the insult but I do not let him reply. "How do I know that you are not pretending to be friendly?"

He shrugs. "You'll have to trust us." He stands up smiling, placing a heavy hand on my shoulder and staring right into my eyes. "I am sure you understand the dangers of a Soviet expansion in Asia, and as you obviously know, the possibility of you being one of the affected territories."

I frown. The weight of his words is worse than his triumphant expression. "I do not trust you, but I am willing to pretend I do."

"That's the attitude- he retrieves his hand from my shoulder, and presents it for me to shake- I will be expecting the warmest welcome in your country when I finally step in there."

I smiled back, sneering my answer. "And you'll sure have it."

I am brought back to reality by Alfred's voice. "What about you Yao? You aren't too old for sports, are you?"

I blink, the insult does not go unnoticed. "Stop saying I am old" I say narrowing my eyes.

Alfred whines. "But you are."

Ivan interjects. "We all are."

"But he is the oldest."

I roll my eyes. "Yes, you should respect me more then."

Alfred laughs. "Alright but don't be so grumpy grandpa, answer my question."

I pause, remembering his question. "Well... nowadays I am too busy to actually practice sports, but as cliché as it may sound, I do like martial arts, nevertheless, I do not practice them competitively, is more of a self-discipline activity and it helps me ease the stress of a busy day. It's also a good way of spending time with Jia Long."

Alfred groaned. "Now I am disappointed of my answer because I just said I liked to have fun, I was expecting you to mention ping pong, so we could have something in common. You guys are so serious, even with hobbies, do you ever do anything just for the likes of it?"

I reply without thinking. "I don't know, do you?"

Alfred seems astonished, he keeps silent.

Even I am taken aback by my reply, I shouldn't have said that.

Alfred laughs noisily. "You are more intelligent than what I thought."

My eyes widened in surprise, he is aware of what I am thinking. "You asshole-"

Alfred interrupts me. "Hey, easy with the offences, we are all friends in here, aren't we?"

I do not reply and avert my gaze from him, the music coming from the radio is all I focus on.

Everything is a game for them, for him. And I played right into it.

I've been playing for a long time already. 

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