•Romantic interest?•

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(Picture above is Duncan)
Angelica's POV:

'Freddie, would you be fine if we allow Duncan to answer a question? If he gets it correct he gets that seat, wrong he has to sit right in front of me.' He said, obviously enjoying it.

'No I can just mo...' Freddie said trying to get up, but he was pushed back down by Duncan.

'No, come on Mccoin. What's the question?' Duncan interrupted, staring down Mr. McCoin.

'A pretty simple question to be honest. What's the symbol equation for aerobic respiration? Let's see if I've actually taught you something.' Mr. Mccoin was taunting him, however his face shows that he knows Duncan can do it. I don't know why though. He's never in!

'Oh my! This is such a difficult question. I guess I'm going to have to look at your gorgeous face for the rest of the year.' he said smug as hell, while picking up the pen. He wrote:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 —> 6CO2 + 6H2O + e-

He's actually 100% right. How does he know that?

'Well done Hatcher, Freddie please move seats.' He smiled and then carried on teaching the class. Freddie got up and moved rapidly to try avoid interacting with Duncan again. Then Duncan sat next to me. I started to get goosebumps. Oh my, he's so hot! Okay stop yourself, he's Duncan blooming Hatcher. He won't even want to talk to me. But then I noticed he doesn't have a book, or a bag for that matter.

'Umm... Duncan?' I whispered.

'What Angelica?' He said not so quietly, without even moving his head to face me.

'Umm... do you want a book? I have a spare one, so you can have it if you'd like?' I still whispered. Why am I being so stupidly shy?

'I don't need a book, all my knowledge is up here' he said tapping his head.

'Oh. Okay. I'm sorry.' I turned back to Mr. Mccoin and pretended to listen. Someone's a bit cocky aren't they? And then I noticed that Duncan turned to look at me. I carried on "paying attention" to Mr. Mccoin but my cheeks started to heat up. I seriously need to sort myself out.

'Thank you though, Angelica.' I turned to face him. His face and voice made him sound so genuine. Maybe he's not a typical bad boy... never mind; he's carving his initials and a penis onto the table. I rolled my eyes with a shy little grin on my face and started to jot down notes.

We hardly spoke for the rest of the lesson, as we were both busy. I commented on his "artwork" and he commented on my handwriting. That was it really.

'Alright class, no homework today. I'm not that cruel on your first day. Off you go, but Hatcher and Dove, please can you stay behind.'

I could tell Duncan was not in the mood as he was just about to leave. But obviously I stayed back, because I'm a goody-two-shoes. Internal face palm.

'Please, Hatcher. Stay. I won't keep you long.'

Duncan huffed and walked back to where I was standing. His arm brushed mine giving me an uncomfortable yet comfortable shock through my whole body.

'You both are exceeding this class so well. I noticed that last year. There's a chemistry quiz taking place soon and I'd like for you both to take this opportunity. It's an anonymous quiz so you don't have to "ruin" your reputation or anything. But there's a prize for a free little holiday to a cottage in the woods, all inclusive for the two winners. And more chemistry equipment for the school. You don't have to decide now, so here's the leaflet. Try get back to me in a week please.' He handed us the leaflets and shooed us off with his hand.

'Thank you, Mr. Mccoin.' I said whilst left with Duncan.

'Are you... even thinking about going?' I asked looking into his eyes. He just looked at me and shrugged. He looked back into my eyes so I looked down to my shoes.

'Oh. Okay. I think I might do it. I need a break to be fair. Life's hard.' I said jokily.

'Yeah, it is.' Still looking into my eyes emotionlessly. I looked back up into his and my face dropped.

'Would you want to do it... with me, then?' Fiddling with my bracelet.

'I don't know, you kinda smell.' he said smirking at me while I rolled my eyes.

'Oh, I may smell but you wouldn't stop moving!  I had to sit next to you for a whole two hours, jogging me every second! Imagine my pain!' I said giggling. He just smiled and walked off.

'See you around Angelica.' Wow, he's drop-dead gorgeous, smart and funny. This man couldn't get any better.

'Oh, umm. Bye Duncan. Yeah, see you around.' He turned his head around, looked me up and down with a smile and went round the corner. I'm such a dork! I'm such a dork! Why can't I speak properly around him?! Yeah, he may be absolutely perfect in every way possible, but he would never like me. I massaged my forehead before going to the cafeteria, where I met Jess and Ed. Before I even sat down Jess knew something happened.

'Hmm, Angelica is all smiley and giggly. It must mean one thing. Who's the boy?!' She shouted causing heads near us all to turn and I suddenly got really embarrassed.

'Shhh! Shut up! It's nothing, alright.' I said trying to stay serious.

'I'll get it out of you later, just you wait.' she said smiling. How does she know everything?!

The rest of the day went pretty quick. No sight of Duncan, which is pretty upsetting. Soon we got home, Jess came quick to interrogate me.

'Who? Where? How?' She said holding my hands and pulling me onto the sofa with a massive grin.

'Was it the new kid?' She asked. She seems so happy. I think she misses the flirty stage. She does always try to get me a boy.

'Well, not exactly. He's in my chemistry. He's so smart, funny and handsome. He makes my stomach do non-stop cartwheels. It's like I have a 100 acrobatics in there!' I said with the biggest smile on my face and giggling.

'Angelica, that's so amazing. He's sounds perfect. Who is he?' I don't know if I can tell her, she hates him. But she'll support me either way, right?

'Umm, it's, uhh.' I started to stammer.

'Come on! It's not that difficult to say!' She yelled, nearly jumping on me. 

'It's... Duncan Hatcher...'

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