
"Dad-" Aria's eyes widened in defiance. "No."

Han let out a low growl as he looked back at Chewie and Finn. 

"This way." Maz lead them out of the basement, but the stairs they had taken down were completely obliterated, trapping them down below. "I have another way." Maz turned back around and went into her basement, but instead of turning left, she went right. 

The others followed her closely, and each of them stumbled as the First Order continued their attack on the castle. 

The walls around them cracked, and Aria knew that soon they would crumble in on them. 

"Up here!" Maz pointed to a small opening, not really a window. It was more like a sewage grate, but it was all they had. "I'll go first." Maz offered up. 

No one complained, and after Maz Aria went up, then Han and Chewie followed lastly by Finn. When they were all free they pulled themselves up from the debris to look around at the ship yard in front of Maz's castle. 

It was in complete shambles, the beauty that Aria had admired as they first arrived was mangled and destroyed. The lake was littered with spare ship parts and trees were being blown apart every second. 

Maz pulled Aria's hand down so the girl bent over to look at her. When she had Aria's attention, she grabbed Finn and did the same to him. "Rey and BB-8, they need you. Now go."

"But I-" Aria looked down at the lightsaber in her hand. She now knew why Maz gave it to her. "How did you-"

"It's in the eyes." Maz told her. "You have a need to prove yourself... now go and do it." She stressed. 

Aria stood to her full height and pulled her shoulders back. She stepped away from the rest of her group as she turned the lightsaber on. As the green burst of energy pushed out, it filled Aria's vision until she saw nothing but green. 

"Okay." A wicked smile pulled on her dry lips. "Let's do this." She twirled the saber in her hand as she pushed through the shrubbery around them. "Finn, stay behind me and have your blaster ready." Aria told him. "And I swear to the heavens if you don't cover me I will castrate you with this thing."

"OKAY!" Finn shouted at her vulgar threat. He got in line behind her and had his blaster out just in case. 

But he didn't need it. 

As the first two Storm Troopers approached Aria, she twirled the saber out in front of her as she took off at a jog, then when she was almost to the guards, she dropped to her knees and twirled the saber up above her, effectively cutting into the sides of each trooper. 

As they fell she stood up and pivoted on her left toe to dig her saber into a third Trooper who had just began to raise his pistol towards her. 

"Traitor!" Aria turned at the name to see a Storm Trooper advancing on Finn with a Mace. 

She let out a breath as she kicked off into a sprint towards the two. As she ran up behind the Storm Trooper she lowered her saber and sliced up and to the left, cutting a long diagonal slice in the Trooper's back.

He fell forward, making Finn have to scurry back to avoid being pummeled by the heavy armor. As he fell, Finn looked up to see Aria standing behind him with her saber at the ready. 

"Thanks!" He gave her his gratitude. 

Aria nodded and turned to head towards the fight, but she saw a line of Storm Troopers on the ridge above them. 

She wanted to try and fight, but they all already had their blasters raised and locked on them. 

"Dad?" Aria's voice wasn't a shout, but Han still heard her from his spot in the shrubs. 

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