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10 Years Later

"Don't be so loud," Meliodas shushes his three children.

At the moment they were trying to surprise Elizabeth for Valentine's Day. Originally they were going to go out of town, but both decided it was better to spend together with their family.

Let's go back a bit, Elizabeth second pregnancy was much safer than the first, and they ended up with twins, Tristain and Emilia, who also had Elizabeth's silver hair and Meliodas' emerald green eyes.

Now currently, Angel was twelve, and the twins were both 10. Elizabeth was nearly cured of agoraphobia aswell.

Angel was setting up dinner on the table, which was thankfully cooked by Ban, and the twins had lay rose petals over the groud and put balloons all over the place.

Everything was just finished as Elizabeth walked through the door. She was blindfolded and Meliodas was guiding her. A small smile played at her lips.

"Mommy!" Says all three children as they rush and hug her. She smiles hugging them back. "Promise me the surprise that daddy has isn't bad? Also promise me that he didn't cook,"

"Of course not, Uncle Ban came over earlier!" Tristan declares.

They arrive to the living room, where Meliodas pulls off her blindfold.

She gasps in shock. "You guys...you didn't have to..." she says. A tear rolling down her eye.

"We wanted to! Plus it was all daddy's idea!" Says Angel.

Elizabeth looks over to her husband.

"I thought I told you not to do anything," she says hugging him.

"I couldn't help it..." he says before moving to her ear. "You should more happy about the surprise in our bedroom tonight," he whispers. She blushes, slapping him before clearing her throat.

"Come on you all, let's eat dinner," Elizabeth decides.

And they were happy. All of them.

The End

So, sorry. Kinda forgot about this story. But I did want to give you all the Epilogue as promised..although it's short! I want to thank everyone who read this story! Honestly thought this story sucked lol. Also, there WILL NOT be a sequel. Sorry. I just don't see one for this story.

Anywayyyy!!! This is the end! Once again, thank you all!

aijazzy out!

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