Arc 1: Chapter Ten

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When Elizabeth awoke the next morning, she had ran to the bathroom, and immediately threw up. A second later Meliodas was up aswell holding her hair up.

Once she's done she quickly brushed her teeth, and Meliodas makes her go back to bed.

"I'm not sick Mel, feel my head. It's probably because of what I ate yesterday."

"I'm not taking any chances. Have you taken your medicine for the morning?"

"I have to eat before I do but...I don't think my stomach can hold anything at the moment."

"I'll go make you some tea-" "Don't you have work?" She Asks. "I do but your more important."

"No, I'm fine, you should get going though. You don't want your father getting angry."

"I could care two shits, you come first."

"And you come first. Hurry up and go home and get ready. I'll see you Monday okay? By then I'll be better, and I'll go to your game." She Says.

"Okay but be safe...and I'll try and come by later."

"Yeah, yeah I will. Margaret will be home at nine I'll be fine." She Says ushering him out of the house.

Elizabeth sighs as she unlocks her phone, just as an notification pulls up.

Period late by 4 days

Maybe it'll come tomorrow? She tells herself, not thinking much about it. She gets her dates wrong a lot anyway.

Margaret came home an hour later, and questioned all the pizza boxes, and laughed when Elizabeth told her the whole story.

"Have you and Gilthunder decided on a name yet? Your due any day now..." Elizabeth Says.

"We have, but we're not telling anyone till whenever she's born." Margaret Says. "We also decided that our wedding will be two months after that, and I decided to make you and Veronica bridesmaids.

"Really?" Margaret nods just as Veronica comes in.

"What's with all the pizza?" "Long story," says Elizabeth.


"Your late? Why?"

"Elizabeth got sick..."

"And? Work comes before her, she's not even your wife yet. If this keeps up I'll have to give you another break away from her. Where's Zel?"

"He decided not to come today..."

"Why? Is he with his lover too?" And Meliodas nods. "God, Why did I raise such lovey dovey sons...whatever, get to work." He tells him and Meliodas nods, deciding to just go with whatever he was planning today.


~ Monday ~

Monday came quickly, and around seven Meliodas took her to his game, but during the whole game she couldn't stop thinking about how her period was late. She thought about it all weekend.

"Earth to Ellie," Elaine waves a hand infront of her. "The games over." Says Elaine, laughing at her startled expression.

"Really...I didn't notice..."

"You've been zoned out the whole time. Something on your mind?"

"I've just been...thinking." She answers.

"I hope you know you can tell me anything Elizabeth. We're friends remember?"

"Yeah..." Says Elizabeth as they join their group of friends.

"Did you like How I made the last shot Elizabeth?" Meliodas brags. "Yeah, yeah, stop bragging cap'n~" Says Ban.

"I wasn't really watching..." Elizabeth trails off, and Ban laughs, making Meliodas punch him playfully.

"You've been out of the loop lately Elizabeth...everything okay?" Asks Diane.

"I've just been thinking..." comes her reply.

"How about we all go swimming tonight? Meliodas suggests.

"That sounds fun...are you down Elizabeth?" Asks Elaine.

"Elizabeth?" Elaine Calls her name again making her jump.

"Huh, Sorry, what was that?"

"We're going swimming, are you coming?" Asks Meliodas.

"Actually, I'm kinda tired so I think I'm gonna go home and just study." Says Elizabeth. "Well then I'll come too-"

"You don't have to, it was your idea to begin guys have fun," Elizabeth waves before walking off.

There's defiantly something up with her. Meliodas thinks to himself.

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