Arc 1: Chapter One

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"Is there anywhere else I can-"

"Ellie, stop asking. We're not letting you out." Says Margaret.

"Not even if I'm with you two?" She pouts, crossing her arms.

"No!" They both say at the same time. Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "So unfair, you guys get to go out, have fun, party, and I'm left here with this stupid illness." "We know Ellie, but we don't want you getting hurt." Says Margaret, putting a hand over her shoulder.

Elizabeth sighs. "Well...can I get started on some more schoolwork? You know...just some extra while I wait?"

"Ellie your already a year ahead on your lessons. There's not need for you to do extra since you never take a break."

Elizabeth groans and stands up. "I guess then...I'm going to my room." She Says.

Elizabeth walks up the lengthy stairs and falls onto her bed. Her whole life wasn't fair. She couldn't remember a day in her life where she was outside, doing something fun. She never left this house. Never. And when she did she was ushered into a limo and went to her doctor appointments.

Elizabeth sits up, deciding to go sit on the balcony. This was the only fresh air she got.

After picking up a good book that she could read till she fell asleep, she sits on the balcony and begins reading.

After reading for what felt like hours, she decided to get on her phone. The only social media she has was instagram, but she didn't have any followers since she didn't know anybody.

After scrolling through that for awhile she got off her phone, and stared into space.

"There's nothing do here..." she mutters.

"Hey," Says a voice and Elizabeth jumps at the new voice.


"Don't freak out, I saw your book fall and I'm here to return it." He Says.

It must've fell while I was on my phone.

"How'd you even get up here?" She Asks, taking the book from his hands.

"I climbed the tree. And what, no thank you?" Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "Thank you. And who even are you?"

"Oh, I forgot about introductions, I'm Meliodas. I live next door. I saw your book while I was walking home from school."

"I've seen you before...I'm Elizabeth." She Says.

"How come you never go outside? To come to school? To go anywhere?" Meliodas Asks the girl.

Elizabeth looks away shyly. Sure she's seen this boy go by her house everyday, but she's never...talked to him...and he seems even more familiar at that.

"I-I'm not allowed to." She answers, and Meliodas can tell from her eyes that she didn't want to talk about it.

"I heard you say it was boring here?" He Asks her. Elizabeth raises a brow. "And? What are you inferring?" She asks.

"Let me take you somewhere." And for some reason and unknown thought comes back to her...and she felt as if she could trust him. A complete stranger.

"Should I change my outfit? My hair? Should I-"

"You look fine. Just come on." He Says. "Let me lock my door." Says Elizabeth And Meliodas nods. "Okay, I'm ready." She Says.

Meliodas pulls out his hand and she takes it. "Hold on tight." He tells her as they both slide down the tree.

"You must've been scared," Laughs Meliodas at Elizabeth scrunched up face.

"W-was not," She stutters. "Then why did your face look like that?" He Asks and Elizabeth stays silent, with her blushing face.

I've never been this close to a guy before...other than my dad.

"Come, on, follow me." Says Meliodas setting her on her feet. After a few minutes of walking they arrived at an ice cream place.

"Which one do you want?" He Asks.

"I didn't bring any-"

"I'll pay for it." He Says.

"Well...I guess I'll have the Oreo milkshake." She says. "I'll have the same." Says Meliodas, and after paying and getting their things they both sat down.

"Who knew milkshakes were this good," Elizabeth Says as she takes the first bite.

"You've never had one before?" He Asks And She shyly shakes her head no. "Wow, what else haven't you tried before?" He Asks. "Well...a lot of stuff. Basically any junk food though."

"How come?" He Asks.

"Promise you won't tell you anyone?" She Asks And Meliodas nods. "I have agoraphobia, extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult. I've never been out of my house unless I'm going to the doctor. This is my first time being out."

"Well then I should take you out more often." Says Meliodas smirking. Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "We'll see."

After talking for a bit more, Meliodas thought it was better for Elizabeth to head home, and Elizabeth agreed since her father would be coming home in an hour.

"Thanks for today," Says Elizabeth once they're both back on her balcony.

"No problem Ellie, I'll see you soon." He Says And Elizabeth Smiles as she watches him go down the tree.

"Yeah, I hope you do."

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