Arc 1: Chapter Twenty-Six

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Elizabeth had already begun moving into the house Meliodas had showed her, and they also started working on the nursery for their daughter. The walls were already painted pink, and they had set up the crib already. Now all they needed was dressers, and more clothes since all they bought was unisex stuff.

"You know what room you haven't shown me yet..."

"Which is?"

"Our room," Says Elizabeth. "After you have her," He Says making Elizabeth groan. "But what if I wanna see it now?"

"Well then you'll have to wait."

Elizabeth sighs. "Dad isn't any fun," Elizabeth speaks to her stomach.

"Mommy's too noisy isn't she?" He asks his daughter, receiving a kick back. "She's gonna be a daddy's girl." Pouts Elizabeth making Meliodas laugh.

"How about we go shop for some more baby stuff?" He Asks her. Elizabeth nods and stands up, grabbing her purse.

After shopping for a few hours, and buying more baby stuff, they headed to Elizabeth's house and got the rest of her things, before heading back home.

"Looks like Mitsuru's up late." Says Elizabeth as they walk through the doors. "Yeah...usually he's asleep by now but for some reason he just can't."

"Can I help?" Elizabeth Asks and Elaine nods, handing him to her. Elizabeth walks up the stairs, and as she walked she sung a lullaby to him. When she put him in his bed, he was already asleep.

"Just shows that your good with children, and at singing."

"W-What? N-not really...and I can't really sing anymore."

"Stop telling lies. I'm surprised you haven't sung on other people's songs."

" dad didn't let me out so that's really the reason why..." Elizabeth trails off.

"I'm sorry for mentioning-"

"Your fine!" Elizabeth waves it off. "Do you wanna see the clothes I got for the baby?" Elizabeth changes the subject and Elaine nods.

"You too still haven't thought of a name?" She Asks.

"No...but we like the names Mezlyn and Mavis."

"Those are cute, but you should hurry and choose. Your baby could be due any day."

"Yeah I know...the cramps have gotten worse, and she won't stop kicking." Says Elizabeth just as she feels another cramp, but this time, she feels water go down her thighs.

"Are you Okay Ellie?"

Elizabeth nods. "Yeah but..." she bites her lip. "I think my water broke." She Says.

"Meliodas!" Elaine immediately calls. Him and Ban come a few seconds later.

"What's wrong with her?" He Asks going to her side. "Her water broke, which means, the babies coming." Says Elaine grabbing the diaper bag and handing it to Meliodas.

"Wheres Merlin?" Asks Meliodas.

"Here I am. I'll help you get her down the stairs." Says Merlin, helping Elizabeth stand.

"Ban, wake up the rest of the sins and call Elizabeth's family and mine. Meet us at the hospital."

"You got it cap'n." Says Ban.

"Good luck Ellie!" Says Elaine as she walks down the stairs.

"Breath in and out. Don't get too stressed to where you set off your agoraphobia."

Elizabeth nods and does as Merlin says as Meliodas heads towards the hospital.

Once they get there Elizabeth's immediately put into a room, and a IV is put into her arm.

"Hang in There Ellie," Says Meliodas, grabbing her hand.

"Think about it, we're gonna be parents soon." He Whispers.

"Elizabeth, I want you to start pushing okay." Says Merlin. "Okay..."

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