Arc 1: Chapter Nineteen

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Their trip was coming to an end. They had spent their last few days touring the city and trying their different restaurants and baked goods, and now, they were on a plane heading home.

Meliodas slept for most of the plane ride while Elizabeth listened to music, or to Diane talk about how cute Ban and Elaine's son Mitsuru is Since they were picking him up on their way home.

"You two should try babysitting him, it'll get you used to babies."

"Yeah...I think I'll start with Margaret's baby though since it's still a newborn, even though I can't wait to meet Mitsuru." Says Elizabeth, just as their flight ended.

Elizabeth woke up Meliodas, who looked rather cute wrapped up with a blanket over his head, and they headed to get their luggage. They stopped and ate at a restaurant in the airporand loaded up the bus an hour later for their two hour trip back to the school.

Meliodas fell asleep on her lap again, head resting on her swollen tummy with an arm draped around her. And after two hours, they made their way back to the school.

"Mel...time to get up." Says Elizabeth, poking his nose.

"Don't wanna..." he mumbles sleepily.

"We're back at school, and from the looks of it, your dads here to pick you up."

"Makes me not wanna get up even more." He says sleepily, closing his eyes. "What's it gonna take for you to get up?" She Asks.

"Hm...maybe a kiss or two." He Says pulling her on top of him and kissing her lips.

"And this concludes my Melizabeth documentary for our field trip!" Says Diane, once they break apart. "You guys are still on the bus?" Meliodas Asks. "We wanted to watch the show," King shrugs, and they all grab their bags, Meliodas grabbing Elizabeth bag.

"Meliodas, in my car now." Says his father and Meliodas groans before turning to his friends. "I'll see you guys," he waves.

"Will you be fine walking home by yourself?" He asks her. "Yeah, I'll be good. Go to your dad before you get in trouble." She says. "Yeah..." Meliodas turns towards his father. "Can we drive Elizabeth home too?" He asks, the desperation in his voice.

"Hm...I suppose. This conversation involves you both."

Elizabeth waves to her friends, and enters the car along with Meliodas. The drive was silent all until his father decided to speak.

"I'm sure you two know we've seen the pictures, along with the interview. What made you tell the media this before me!" He yells at Meliodas. Elizabeth flinches at his time, but doesn't say anything.

"It just sorta happened. We thought we could hide it on this trip but...we just couldn't. I was gonna tell you when we got back." Meliodas says, but he shows no sort of emotion in his voice.

"How many months are you Elizabeth?" He asks her. "Oh, Ah, five." She answers. "And do you know how this could affect your health?"

She nods. "Yeah...But I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it."

"Does anyone else know?" "Zeldris, And Elizabeth's sisters. Also our friends. Zeldris May have told the Ten Commandments But I don't know." Meliodas decided to answer just as they pulled up to Elizabeth's house.

"I'm just gonna warn you, I've talked to your father, and he doesn't seem to happy."

"That's a given...thank you for the ride Mr. Dracon." She Says, grabbing her bags, and waving goodbye to the car.

"I guess I can't hide you anymore," She says rubbing her tummy, as she knocks on the door.

As soon as the door opens though, instead of the yell she's expecting, it's a hug.

"Elizabeth..." Speaks her father's voice, with a genuine happiness but also this sad time.

She hugs him back. "I-I'm sure you know dad...and I'm sorry." She says before looking away. She couldn't meet his eyes anymore. "I'm sorry," she continues wiping away a few tears.

"I've messed up...really bad. I failed you guys. All of you. You, all my friends, Mr. Dracon, Meliodas...And myself." She cries.

"Ellie, I know this is a mistake you made, but you didn't fail anybody. Regardless we all still love you, and I'm gonna love your baby just like how I love Margaret's."

"R-really? Do you promise?" She Asks, wiping some tears. "I promise." He Answers.

" and Mr. Dracon do have to cover this up as a whole, so his decision and mine help how everything works out."

"What's our decision?" She Asks.

"I want you to be the heir to my company?" "Me? But why?"

"Margaret Said she won't. She wants to help lead Gilthunders business, and Veronica would mess up the name for my I want you Ellie, but only if you want it."

"I do but, what does this have to do with Mr. Dracon?"

"Well...he's decided to have you two engaged. That baby will be the heir to both of our company's, so a pregnancy at eighteen is common for these things. Less hateful comments and words about the two of you?"

But Elizabeth was still stuck on one part of the story.


"Now...regarding you getting her pregnant..." Meliodas' father trails off.

"It was unexpected, but nonetheless, I'm proud of you."

"You? Proud of me?" Meliodas Asks, almost laughing. "This isn't a laughing matter, Meliodas." He rolls his eyes. "But yes, I'm proud of you. Since she's pregnant now, me and Mr. Liones have arranged for you two to be engaged. It'll help bring down the rumors and since Elizabeth will be the heir to his company now it works out. Your engagement party will be soon too."

Meliodas says nothing, knowing he had no say in nothing really.

I'll Fix You With My Love (COMPLETED ✅)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz