Arc 2: Chapter Fifteen *42*

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Elizabeth stood, backstage. Tonight was the seven deadly sins very first show in California, and they were just about finishing up. They were singing their last song.

"Look Angie, there's daddy." Elizabeth points to Meliodas, and Angel claps her hands before running into stage.

"No, Ángel, come back, please for mommy?" She whispers the last part but the child continues to run till she goes to her dad.

Meliodas stops singing, and the others stop as well. The crowd doesn't seem to mind however, since this was most people's first time seeing Angel and Meliodas together. Meliodas picks up the child, which makes the crowd gush, and Elizabeth can't help but smile.

Meliodas looks over to Elizabeth, who sends an apologetic smile his way before mouthing "sorry."

Meliodas sends her a smile before waving her over, and Elizabeth nods coming onto the stage.

The crowd begins screaming her name, and Elizabeth smiles, sending a wave.

She was slightly nervous, but she knew she'd be fine as long as Meliodas and her daughter were here.

"Hey, Ellie, how about you sing the last part of vapor for us?" Meliodas asks her, making Elizabeth's face go red.


"Oh come on Elizabeth! I heard you humming to it the other day while we were practicing." Diane smirks.

"I don't think my heart can handle that," she mumbles. "Stop being shy, Ellie." Says Ban as he starts playing his guitar.

You guys are really giving me no choice. She thinks to herself before grabbing the mic from Meliodas' hands. Elizabeth starts singing, and the crowd cheers.

"I wanna breathe you in like your vapour
I want to be the one you remember
I want to feel your love like the weather
All over me, all over me
I want to print our hands in the pavement
Savour your words, I won't ever waste them
Look in your eyes and know just what you miss
So lie to me, just lie to me
You sound so sweet
When you lie to me
Make you sound so sweet
When you lie to me"

The crowd cheers as she finishes the song, and Meliodas sends a smirk her way as they walk off stage.

"Isn't mama amazing?" Meliodas whispers to his daughter and Elizabeth can't help but smile.

"What was that about not knowing the song?" Diane asks her, nudging her shoulder.

They load the tour bus an hour later, deciding to head to a restaurant to eat dinner.

"Where do you guys wanna eat? A pizza place? Chinese food? Mexican food?" Diane asks, scrolling through her phone so she could make a reservation.

"Ooh! Let's go to one of those Japanese places where they cook in front of you! I think Angel and Mitsuru would like the tricks too!" Elizabeth suggests.

"I'm down, anyone else?" Diane asks and everyone nods. Diane goes ahead and makes the reservation, while everyone else continued their conversations, but all Meliodas could think about was how to tell Elizabeth she was pregnant, and the best idea came to his head.

Slipping the bagged test into his pocket, he followed everyone out the bus. "You guys go ahead and go in, I need to talk to Ellie," says Meliodas and Elizabeth nods.

"Can you get her situated?" Elizabeth asks Merlin, handing her baby girl to her as Merlin nods.

Once everyone's inside Meliodas pulls out a the bagged test, and Elizabeth's breath gets caught in her throat.

"Is that...?" He nods pulling it out.

"You, my dear Elizabeth, are pregnant," he tells her, showing the test.

"B-but how? I didn't take it? Are you pranking me?" She acuses.

"You didn't flush the toilet after using it." He says, and it all begins to click together in Elizabeth's mind.

"Were you happy...when you found out?" She Asks him.

Meliodas nods. "Overjoyed...but I can't stop myself from worrying." He answers truthfully.

"We'll get through this together." Elizabeth tells him, sucking in a breath. She didn't like seeing him like this.

"You promise?" He Asks her.

"I promise,"

Last Chapter :) Next will be the epilogue.

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