Chapter 11

220 13 56

POV: Virgil
Timeline: Present

TW: Crying, small panic attack

I said goodbye to Thomas as we part ways. I hurried and turned to the corner. I look at Pat, who was looking at his hands, distracted, And eyed him carefully.

"Uh, Pat? What was that?" I asked him. He tensed a little and raises his head, showing large fat tears falling from his freckled face. "You okay?" I asked him worriedly. His white pupil-less eyes locks eye contact with my green ones and stares at me with a blank face. "I.....think I am? I.....don't know what's happening. I just hugged Thomas when he was uh....crying and then I felt a pull." He replied blankly.

"What did you do to the pull you felt?" I ask as I started to walk again, Pat trailing behind. "I....pulled it towards me and then, sadness, I think?, overflowed me." He replied. I look at him curiously. I guess that explains Thomas's crying abruptly stopping. But how did he do that? How did he transfer Thomas's sadness to himself? I sighed, obviously I can't ask him that, he wouldn't know. I can't ask anyone else either, they would think I'm insane. Why is this so frustrating?!

"Virge? Are you Okay? Do you want me to pull it from you too?" Pat asks. I shake my head. "It's fine Pat, I'll be fine.". He nods. I sigh again. I'll just think of this tomorrow.

The next day~

The school bus came to a stop as it reached its destination. I exit the bus and made my way to the school building. I was surprisingly early today and decided to see if, at least, Logan would be around. I maneuvered past the hallways and found my locker at the end of the hallway. I began to run to my locker when suddenly, I slipped due to the slippery floor tiles. On instinct, I closed my eyes, waiting for impact. However, it never came. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm just a few centimeters from my ground. A dark blue aura surrounded me as I slightly floated along with my things. Pat laid beside me, "Woah, what are you doing?" He asked. "I-I don't know." I whispered. I heard a loud sigh from behind and I quickly turned to look behind to see Logan who's eyes shine dark blue. He shot me a small smile before closing his eyes and sighed again. The dark blue aura that surrounded me faded and I fell, including my things, on the floor with a soft thud. I quickly stood up and gathered my things before looking at him and making eye contact.

"Logan--" he held up his hand, interrupting me. "I know. Let me explain this later. For now, let us put our things on our lockers.". I nod and slowly put my things on my locker, contemplating about what just happened. Silence quickly engulfed the atmosphere, turning it slightly awkward.

"Virgil," He said, breaking the silence. "Has any of your parental figure tell you about abilities?" He asked. I look at him weirdly. "Uh.......No?" I reply awkwardly. He sighed. "Well then, let me quickly summarize it for you.". He softly clicked his tongue and closed his eyes. I watched curiously. I sensed Pat beside me as he also watched. He was oddly quiet. Logan opened his eyes again, showing the dark blue pupils he had. Although, the blue seemed more vibrant and it seemed to be glowing. He raised his hand and pointed it to a piece of crumpled paper. The paper was suddenly engulfed in the same dark blue aura that surrounded me.

He lifted his hand and the paper followed. He made some sort of motion and the paper immediately  flew to the trash bin before falling down inside it as the aura faded. I look to Logan, small stars showing in my eyes. He smiled softly at me again before blinking and losing the vibrant color in his eyes.

F R I E N D: A Sanders sides Ghost AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now