QnA Part 1

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Heyo wassup homsicles!

I'm back at it again with the motivation to write at midnight! :D

*clears throat* Anyway, since we sadly have only 2 asks I will put in some extra things I found really funny on comments on different chapters! (On the other parts cause I'm tired rn its already 1 in the morning help @^@)See, I told you commenting was a good choice! ^-^

Anyway, let me prepare my children first with the help of my sides again! Mostly Morality and Logic though lmao.

After Morality managed to gather all of the homies from the story their host is writing by giving them cookies, Logic asked them to take a seat and proceeded to grab a small bag, putting it on her lap as she was also sitting down. Morality stood beside her, finishing up her cookie and turned to face everyone with a smile.

"Hello all you lovely people! I'm Marie's Morality and this here--" she gestured towards Logic, who nodded, "--Is her Logic!" She said. Everyone waved at the two sides. Morality continued to smile, "You must all be wondering why you guys are here right? Well it's simple, Marie has asked the readers to ask you guys questions or dares, and you have to do your best to answer! I'll let Logic explain the rest~" Morality said before sitting down.

"Well," Logic cleared her throat, "It seems as Morality has explained the basics, let me just clarify a few things, please, like what Morality said, try your best to answer the question/s you're being asked and do the dares you're being dared to do. However, if you feel like you really can't do it, feel free to inform us, we will evaluate whether it's okay for you to answer it or not. That is all," Logic said before sitting down again.

Everyone agreed to this and decided that it was time to answer some questions, so Logic reached in the bag and pulled out the first question:

Everyone agreed to this and decided that it was time to answer some questions, so Logic reached in the bag and pulled out the first question:

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Tagging @FaithfulMelodies07

Roman gasped and chokes on his cookies. "You expect me to do this?!" He said. Logic nodded and Roman grumbled and murmured, "Fine."

Remus was laying on his bed thinking about T H I N G S when Roman knocked on his door. Remus sighed and walked to the door, opening it slightly to peek his head outside of the door. To his surprise, he found Roman fiddling with his Disney hoodie.

"Roman?" Remus asked, genuinely surprised. Roman mumbled something Remus can't hear. "Whaaaat?" Remus said. Roman grumbled before shouting,


Remus had to take a whole 5 minutes before he made sense with what Roman had just said. He then laughed, then it was Roman's turn to be confused, "Why are you laughing?"

"Because of the way you asked me to watch a movie with you!" Remus manages to say afetr laughing. Roman blushed in embarrassment and said, "S-SHUT UP!"

"Sure, why not," Remus said. "I'll watch a movie with ya."

"Then, what movie should we watch?"


"You only like it because of that song 'Dead Girl Walking'!!"

"So what?!"


And that's how Roman and Remus ended up having a movie marathon. They were cuddling, in a brotherly way, while watching movies and theorizing, or just talking about it, while eating popcorn. Roman couldn't help but enjoy this,

I guess it doesn't seem that bad at all.

Aww that was a sweet ask! On to the next one!" Morality said.

Logic nodded while smiling and grabbed the last ask they had:

Dont mind me just tagging @Virgil2007      Virgil took a bit of time to answer

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Dont mind me just tagging @Virgil2007
   Virgil took a bit of time to answer.

"Well, let me fill you in on what the author missed," Virgil started.

"At first, it felt creepy and unsettling. I mean, wouldn't you? A ghost just appeared out of nowhere and started mimicking you. Well, I would be scared out of my mind!!" He semi-ranted.

"However, after giving myself some time to myself, I became more comfortable around him. It's like I've got some sort of, well..... connection to him. It just feels so nice to be around him and I feel like I could trust him," he smiled.

"Although I will never get used to him fckin appearing out of nowhere suddenly!! Plus he scares the crp outta me when I wake up in the morning to see his face literally centimeters away from me! Plus it's really hard to interact with him while keeping him a secret!" Virgil ranted. He paused for a bit,

"Yet I still don' t mind him being around."

"Alright, that's all," Logic concluded. "Wait really? Not one ask more? For like, the rest of us?" Destin asked. Morality sadly shook her head, "Nope! That's all we have for now! Trust me though, Marie feels sad."

The group nodded sadly in agreement. "Do not worry however, you will be doing other things while waiting for more dares and asks. In fact, you will be reacting in the next," Logic said. "What will we be reacting to?" Virgil asked. Morality giggled, "You'll see!~"

"Until next time!"

So that concludes our first QnA!
Hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't mind me getting high cause of the lack of sleep.


Take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals!

Peace out!

F R I E N D: A Sanders sides Ghost AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now