Chapter 7

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TW: Intrusive thoughts (y'all know what this means), implied death (It's a ghost AU what do you expect)

Monday, a word feared by all. Children and adults alike hate that, It's a sign that the week has just started. I hate it so much, I just want to huddle under the blankets and sleep forever. But, I still have school so I need to get up. I sigh and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to take a bath and suddenly remembered the sleepover they had and blushes as he remembered something really awkward.

(3rd person)

Virgil was sleeping soundly. Soft snores can be heard from him. Beside Virgil, Pat was watching him silently, amused at how peaceful Virgil looked when sleeping. Meanwhile, Roman woke up and looked around sleepily, realizing Logan was nowhere to be found, which usually meant that it was morning already. He heard quiet snores from nearby and saw that Virgil was sleeping. He smiled at how cute his friend looked. He didn't have a crush on him, he just really liked to flirt with everyone he sees. When he saw how Virgil looked so helpless, he smirked, he had an idea.

Roman walked quietly to Virgil's bed. He slowly climbed on top of the bed and laid down. Pat looked at Roman curiously, after getting shocked. Roman smirked even more and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, making Pat gasp and giggle. Virgil's eyelids started to flutter, and Roman shut his eyes, pretending to be asleep. Virgil tried to move, but couldn't. He felt something behind him, and turned around. He saw Roman snuggled up to him, sleeping peacefully.

He tensed up and screamed, trying to push Roman away, but failing miserably. Roman pretended to have just woken up, holding in his laughter. " What's *yawn* the matter Vi?" He asked. Virgil's face was super red," The hell Roman!" He said, half-screaming. Roman wheezed and giggled uncontrollably, not having the strength to hold it anymore. Logan went inside the room, having heard the screams, and saw a laughing Roman and a very flustered Virgil and sighed. Roman was doing this again. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"Logan!! Roman invaded my personal space!" Virgil whined. Roman burst out laughing again. "Do not worry Virgil, he has done this to me a lot of times, it is something he does often, also, i advise that you should get a room" Logan smirked. Virgil seemed to have gone redder while Roman was trying to breathe from all of the laughter.

"That does not help!!"

Flashback over

I shivered at the thought. Roman was going to pay, I just need to find what his weakness is. I finished changing into my clothes and went downstairs to eat. When I arrived I saw my mom eating buttered toast. She looked up and saw me. "Good morning honey!" She greeted. I hum in response as I went to get my large cup and once again filling it with coffee. I then took some cereal and placed it down.

"You going to work mom?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, I decided not to work today since I'm so *yawn* tired" she yawned. I smiled at her, "Ok mom, just rest then, you deserve it". She returned the smile and after I finished my breakfast, ushered me out of the house. "Go hun, you're gonna be late" she said. I rolled my eyes playfully and waved at her. I saw Pat rushing to my side. I smiled and ran towards the bus stop.

The sound of chatter greeted me as I arrived in school. I felt my anxiety rise as my heartbeat quicken. I went inside the school, putting my hood up to cover my face. I quietly walked through the halls and fortunantly arrived at my locker without any sort of drama. As usual, Roman and Logan were there, happily talking. I cleared my throat and they looked back to notice me.

"Hey Virgil!" Roman said. He looked a bit embarrassed. "How long were you standing there?". Pat giggled as I smirked. "Oh I've been in here for forever, why didn't you notice me?" I said mocking Roman's 'prince' voice he usually used when he's being overly dramatic. Roman rolled his eyes while Logan made a quiet giggle. Pat cocked his head slightly like a confused puppy. "Why are they laughing?" He asked. "It's because of the way I said my sentences" I whispered back. Logan raised his eyebrow.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked, slightly getting suspicious. I swallowed hard. "I-it's nothing Logan" I said, fidgeting. Logan glanced at me. "Very well, i trust you Virgil. I hope you would tell us if something bothered you". "Logan's right, we'll be your knights in shining armor" Roman added. I was about to reply when I heard loud screaming from behind. I tensed and looked around, expecting to see the bullies, but instead, saw two boys I've never seen before.

The noisy one had messy brown hair with a strand of white hair. He wore a black crop top with a green jacket with the words 'trash rat'. His skin is super light and had purple thingies around his eye. I can't be sure but I think that could be either makeup or.... it could be two black eyes. He wore ripped jeans and black slippers.

The other one, he was quite the opposite of the loud one. He was a quiet person with long hair, which was brown with a tint of yellow. Some were covered by a black beanie which from afar, looks like a bowler hat. His skin was light on one side but really dark on the other. He wore a simple black shirt with yellow/gold designs. He looked like he had two bracelets, 1 having a black color while the other had a gold color. He wore black leggings and yellow shoes. He had his hands in his pockets and had fabric hanging on one of his arms.

"Who're those?" I asked. Roman groaned, "It's those two". Logan blew an annoyed sigh.

"Virgil, meet the two biggest delinquents, Remus Prince and Destin Ceit. Roman's twin and my..... old 'friend'"

And that's a wrap folks!

Sorry if this looks like it was hurried, it was, I just really wanted to post a chapter before Christmas. Do you know why? It's because I have prepared a Christmas special! (Thats why I was gone for 2 weeks lmao sorry). But, it kind of contains spoilers for a character reveal (aka Remus) so I had to post this chapter before Christmas. Anyway, hope you guys like this! Also one thing, would you want some ships here like Prinxiety? Or should I keep everything platonic? Just tell me. Anyway I have to go now it's 12:30am here and I'm tired.

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Peace out!


Also before I leave this account to die for a bit, have a doodle of my AU ver. of Virgil and Pat!

 of Virgil and Pat!

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