Chapter 6

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POV:  P A T  (3rd person)
Timeline: Present

TW: None

The ghost followed Virgil around the school the entire time he was there. He occasionally drifts off when he saw some interesting things but immediately went back to Virgil when he stayed too far away. He felt a familiar tug whenever he sees Virgil's face, though he doesn't know why.

Virgil tensed up and suddenly ran, making the ghost blink and drifted towards the direction Virgil went. When he saw him talking happily to two people, his curiosity spiked. He drifted towards a young man with glasses and said, "Hello!!". The young man didn't seem to hear though as he continued talking. The ghost was confused, Virgil can see him, why can't others see him? He tried getting the young man's attention but failed after a good amount of tries. He could hear Virgil snickering quietly at how adorable and stupid-looking Pat was when he tried to make the young boy notice him.

He sighed and drifted off to the other one, the one who had a red jacket, and tried getting his attention, to which, he also failed at. Getting annoyed, the ghost tried hitting the two boys but failed again due to him being invisible. He was about to drift off to something else when he heard the one in the red jacket say, "Hey Guys, I'm planning on having a sleepover, do you guys wanna come?".

"It depends, when will it happen?" said Virgil. "This Friday" the other replied. " Alright, I'll come. How about you Logan?" Virgil asked. Both looked at the man with glasses, presumably Logan, and waited for his reply. "Hm.....I.....suppose I can attend to your 'sleepover' since I am free on that day, is that satisfactory for you Roman?" Logan said. The ghost was having a hard time understanding Logan's words and made a very confused sound. Virgil snickered a little too loud and Roman smirked.

"You could've just said yes" Roman rolled his eyes. Logan sighed and they continued to talk about the sleepover. The ghost listened intently, slowly getting attached to Virgil's two friends.

During the remainder of the week, Pat went to Virgil's classes, listening and learning new things while watching the three friends hang out, wishing that Logan and Roman could see him. Days go by, and soon enough, the day that they were going to sleep in Roman's house. Pat could barely hold his excitement. He bounced around the Art room, which happened to be Virgil's last period. Virgil desperately tried to hold in his laughter as Pat couldn't stay still, since class is still ongoing. He let out a small breath of amusement though, and Pat turned to Virgil with a large smile.

"School is done!!!!" The ghost screeched. Virgil let out a laugh, having held it for too long. "Calm down, you seem to be more excited than I am" Virgil whispered. The ghost let out a giggle. "Virge! I'm what is it again?" Pat stuttered. "Excited you mean?" Virgil said. "Yeah.... I'm so excited!!!" Pat rephrased. Virgil smiled and walled towards the gate and waited for the other two. Putting on his headphones, Virgil hummed his favorite song, while Pat saw the two other friends arrive. "VIRGIL!!!! THEY'RE HERE!!!" Pat said. Virgil jumped and looked towards Pat. He sighed and looked over to see Roman and Logan.

"Your Prince is here!" Roman said in a sing-song voice. "Sup Princey, ready to go?" Virgil asked. "Of course my chemically imbalanced romance" Roman smirked. "Let us go then" Logan pipped in. They left to go to Roman's car to drive to his home. Pat was smiling and giggling, too excited to speak. Virgil was amused and would randomly let out a wheeze, earning confused glances from the other two.

"Wow, your home is huge" Virgil said in awe. Roman smirked, "A house fit for a prince". Logan sighed and went towards the house, looking back and waving his hands, signalling the two to follow. Virgil grabbed his bag and followed, Roman and Pat trailing behind.

Pat was super hyper. He looked at everything Roman had, getting excited because not only is he in a new place, but he gets to hang out with Roman and Logan, though they don't know he was here. Pat followed Virgil to the room their staying in. It was a large room with two twin beds and a drawer between to separate. The walls were painted cream and white, the blankets and pillows having a similar color scheme. There was a TV in front of the beds, and a small white couch in the left side. Beside it was a big window tinted with a soft beige color, making the room have a soft look.

"Woah" Pat said, completely speechless. Virgil frowned slightly, "What's wrong storm cloud?" Roman asked. Virgil glared at Roman, "Where would I sleep? I don't see an extra bed here". "You could always sleep with me~" Roman purred. Virgil blushed lightly and jumped away from Roman. "Ew" he whispered. "Well, we could always ask for an extra bed Virgil" Logan said. Pat looked around and found a mattress hiding under one of the beds. "Virgil, I think I see a bed underneath that bed" Pat whispered to Virgil, pointing towards the bed near the window. Virgil followed where Pat was pointing at and asked Roman "Hey, I think I see a mattress under there, mind if I use that one?". Roman nodded and went out to ask a maid to help them set it up.

"Alright, truth or dare?" Roman said. Pat was listening to their game, desperately wishing for some miracle to happen and make Roman and Logan see him. He has grown really attached to the two and was enjoying every second with them, even though they can't see him.

"Ugh, I already hate this" Virgil grumbled. "Just pick one, storm cloud" Roman said. Virgil groaned and mumbled 'truth'. Roman smirked, "Alright, so....are you gay?". Virgil freezes and looked at Roman, "I don't really know, honest". Roman had a look of disappointment. Virgil smiled and asked Roman, "Truth or Dare?". Roman replied with 'dare' and Virgil said, " I dare you to flirt with anyone". Roman blushed heavily and turned to look at Virgil, " Hey baby" Roman mumbled. Virgil blushed and grinned at Roman. "Shut it, Hot Topic!!" "Aw, you think I'm hot". Roman blushed even harder. Pat laughed and Logan sighed inwardly, "Go get a room". Both blushed and Pat burst out laughing, only because they were too darn cute.

"How do to keep finding me?!" Roman complained. Pat had been helping Virgil find Roman and Logan while they were playing hide-and-seek. Logan had been reluctant at first but gave in and played. He didn't regret it though, as he was having fun. "Maybe I'm just good" Virgil said. "Good at what?" "I'm just good" "Ugh, I hate it when your vague!!" Roman whined. Virgil, along with Pat, laughed, as Logan was mentally laughing in a nearby rooms, having heard the conversation.

"I'm getting tired, let's go to bed" Virgil whined. "Just one more movie!" Roman begged. "We really need to sleep, it's already 11pm" Logan pipped in. Roman groaned. "Fine" he said, dragging the last letter. He turned off the TV and went in the bathroom to change. Logan looked at Virgil, "Why are you wearing a sweater? It's a little..uh..stuffy in here" Logan asked. "I'm fine" Virgil said a little too quickly, gripping his arms tightly. Logan raised an eyebrow, not really believing it, but didn't push. Roman left the bathroom after a while and laid in his bed. The two followed, Logan flipping the lights off first before going to bed. "Goodnight" they chorused, and fell to sleep, one by one. Pat laughed quietly, cooing at how adorable they are, and drifted to where Virgil was and laid beside him, watching him before closing his eyes, and entering his dream state.


Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Come morning light, you and I'll......

Be safe....and..........sound.....


That's a wrap folks!!!

A change of POVs now!! We have our little small bean, Pat!! I finally get to post again!! I think I'll be posting every Sunday now, hopefully!! Also, merry Christmas to all of you!! I'm screaming at how many reads I'm having, thank you so much for 300+ reads! I appreciate how people actually want to read this, even if it's only a few hundred reads. Thank you!

Take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals!

Peace out!


F R I E N D: A Sanders sides Ghost AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now