Chapter 1

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POV: Virgil
Time: Present

Ring!!! Ring!!!! "It's time to wake up!!!"

My eyes slowly fluttered open. "Mmm...what time is it?" I groan softly. I grabbed my phone and turned off the the alarm. I check to see what time it is.


School won't start until 7:30am. I think I still have time. I thought to myself. I looked through Tumblr for a while, waiting for the tiredness to fade until the phone hit my face. I huffed in annoyance as i pick up the phone. I checked the time again.


Good, I still have time.
I sat up, putting my "Nightmare before Christmas" slippers and stood up. I gently fix my purple twin bed and left my messy, purple room. I...have a love for purple you see. It's my favorite color. I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath.

A few minutes later I finished, putting my purple pajamas with crescents on the laundry, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I checked the wall clock to see the time.


I relaxed a bit, relieved that I still have an hour left. I sat down the chair and got pancakes. I reached out to get the syrup and put at least 3/4 worth of plate space on my pancakes. I got up and went to grab the blueberries in the fridge, grabbing 4 of them. I grabbed some coffee and sat again, drinking and eating in peace.

"Good morning sweetie!" My mom said. I nodded in reply, unable to talk due to my mouth full of pancakes. She grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. She grabbed some coffee and sat down to join me in eating. She looked at my cup of coffee and sighed.

"You know coffee isn't good for kids like you, Virge." She said. I looked away from her, "I like coffee". She looked at me and sighed deeper. Comfortable silence overcame the kitchen. The only sounds that were heard were the sound of eating, drinking, and the faint ticking of the toaster.

I ate the last of my pancakes, feeling full. I looked at the time again.


I should really get going.
I drank up the last of my coffee, took the purple bag I prepared last night and kissed my mom in the forehead. "By mom" I said. She smiled at me,
"Good luck on your first day".
I smiled brightly and left.

I arrived at the bus stop just in time. I got up the bus and looked around for an empty seat. I saw an empty seat near the aisle. The perfect seat, i whispered quietly. I walked toward the seat and sat down, looking sideward to see that I had two seatmates. One had dark brown hair, and the other had brown hair that's just slightly lighter than the first. The dark haired one had thick black glasses. He wore a dark blue polo, a blue stripped necktie, black pants and black shoes. His hair was a brush-up style and his skin was fair. He was reading a book about Science. He seemed very smart to me, with the book and the glasses plus the necktie and all. The other one however, looked like the complete opposite of the first. He wore a white shirt, red and white jacket, light blue denim pants, white shoes and a crown pinned on his jacket near his heart. His  hair was swept to his right side, the spike directed towards the right. His skin was tanned brown and he had brown, glittering eyes. He looked like a jock to me. He was staring out the window and looked incredibly bored. I kept quiet, being the introvert I am, and observed them silently. The guy looked towards the one reading and said in a low but not that low voice, " Why do you like reading that book?". His voice was calm, it had grace in it, like a Prince, but I could easily tell it had a bit of childishness in the mix. The one who is reading the book made a face and groaned softly in annoyance. "It's interesting to me Roman. Now be quiet please" he said, not taking his eyes off the book.

'Roman' rolled his eyes and looked up, finally seeming to notice me. He blushed slightly in embarassment "Oh hey there! Sorry, I-I didn't see you" he apologized. I shrugged, "It's not a big deal, you know. I'm totally fine with it". Roman sighed and introduced himself, " Hi, I'm Roman Prince, the fairest of them all. You must be new here, aren't you?". I nodded in response. "Well then, welcome to the school! This is my friend Logan Smith. I would introduce you to him, but I don't think he would be happy getting interrupted" Roman said.

"Salutations newcomer. As Roman said, I am Logan Smith. Pleasure to meet you" Logan had said, closing his book. I shrugged again. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Virgil by the way". They both nod in response.
"Pleasure being your acquaintance, Virgil" Logan said in a monotone voice.
"Nice to meet you!" Roman said in a sing-song voice.
I sighed, these two are going to be the death of me. Roman looked hesitant, looking as if he wanted to say something. "Got anything to say, Princey?" I said. His eyes shined brightly at the nickname,though he had a look of surprise plastered on his face. " Well, it's just that.......I.....well" he said, still a little surprised at my nickname for him. I looked at him with a bored expression. "Yes?". Logan looked at me in the eyes, that's when I noticed, his eyes were of a deep, royal blue color, It looked mesmerizing.

"Roman wants to know if you would like to hang out with us at the table later in lunch" he said. Roman blushed even harder. "I-if you want of course.." he said under his breath. I brightened up, surprised that someone would actually invite me to their table on the first day of school. "Sure!" I said with more enthusiasm than my usual. Roman looked overly confident now. "See Logan, I can make friends without your help!" He shouted. "But i- nevermind" Logan said. The bus stopped and we got out. We went inside the school and got to our lockers. Luckily, they let us choose lockers, so we made our lockers beside each other. We then went to the principal's office to get our schedule. I looked at the time.


I grinned. "Hey guys, what's your 1st period?" I asked. They checked their schedules, Roman groaned and Logan's eyes sparkled slightly.

"Darn it! I got PE." Roman pouted.

"Excellent, I got Science. How about you Virgil?" Logan asked.

My grin grew bigger, if that were even possible.

" I got Science."

Logan and I walked towards the classroom, comforting silence between us. Sounds of footsteps walking with a certain rhythm to it made me calm down slightly. The bell hadn't rung yet, so I was sure we are not late. I looked over to Logan, a calm look plastered on his face. He turned to me and looked at me dead in the eyes,

"Why do you find pleasure with my company instead of Roman?" He asked. I stopped abruptly, "Oh, it's just that the guy is so happy and positive that it makes me get slightly anxious. You on the other hand, is more calm and relaxed. It makes me feel more at ease. Besides, he gets to suffer with PE while we go to the best subject. Plus it annoys him so that's a bonus" I replied with a smirk. I could've sworn that his eyes shined brightly with pride when he looked away. When I looked forward again, we were in front of the door. I opened the door and went in to find it with only about seven people inside. I quickly scanned the room, seeing an empty table. I ran towards the table and said loudly "Over here Logan!!" Which earned me a few glances. I clasped my hands to my mouth as my face flushed and I hid my face in my hoodie,. I heard rustling beside be and I looked up to find Logan sitting beside me. He gave me a warm smile and I gladly returned it. He then took out his book and continued to read while I watched silently, head resting on my palms. After a few peaceful minutes, the bell rang. Logan kept his book and I sat up straighter. The teacher went in and greeted us all.

"Welcome to Science class!!!"


I'm finally finished!!! This took me hours and it even teased me by not showing up when I tried to edit T^T....
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one! It's pretty long so I think it's ok. The stick around for a while Though! It's going to be one hell of a ride. (Maybe or maybe not *insert lenny face*)
That's a wrap!! Thanks for reading Guys, Gals, And Non-binary pals!!
Peace out!!


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