Chapter 14

219 15 44

POV: Virgil
Timeline: Present

TW: swearing

" a picture of Dad and Mom with me. But....... who is that guy beside Mom?" he looked at Pat with a shocked face,

"And why does he look like you?"

I can't believe it. I know this is Dad, this is Mom, and this is baby me but, who is this other guy? He looks like Pat, but why? Is he actually Pat? Did we actually meet before he died?

Does mom know him? I guess so, since they took a picture together. But, I'm not ready to ask her yet, she pushed herself past her limits answering about Dad and was close to crying, I think I'll give her space for now. Plus, I'm a coward.

"Pat, I think I'm gonna go to sleep, follow me if you want to," I said. I walked out of the room. I heard shuffling behind me so I assume that he's currently. Honestly however, I don't really care that much. I need time to digest in the information.

After I changed my clothes and prepared everything, i flop on top of my bed and as soon as I hit the bed, my vision went black.

"Bye mom!" I yelled as i walked out of the door. "Bye Vee, see you after school!" Mom yelled back. I smiled softly as I heard that, and made my way to school.

"Hey Vi!" A voice called out to me. I turn to see Remus and Declan waving frantically, well, Remus was, Destin just smiled. "Uh....hey guys," I reply. "Wanna join us in lunch?" Remus said. "O-oh uh s-sorry. I usually eat with Logan and Roman and based on their reactions, I don't think they'll like you eating with us," I mumbled, playing with my sleeves.

"How about after school?" Destin replied. I think for a moment. "I guess so, where do we meet then?" I ask. "Ooh, ooh! Dee, how about the cafe that sells delicious things!" Remus piped in. Destin smiled a little, "Sure, why not. So, Anxiety?"

"Yep, sounds good enough," I reply. "Meet you at Sanders cafe then," Destin said before walking away, Remus bouncing beside him. Hmm, Sanders cafe? Is that Thomas's shop? I should ask.

I see Thomas walking with Talyn and Joan nearby and called out to him. "Hey Thomas," I waved. Thomas noticed me and smiled, "Hey Virge, wassup?". I shrugged, "Nothing. Hey Talyn, sup Joan". They waved back at me. "Hey uh, I wanted to ask something," I asked. Thomas nodded. "Is Sanders cafe yours?" "Oh, yeah, it is! It's run by my Daddy," he replies happily. "Oh, cause Declan, Remus, and I are going there later, just wanted to make sure I guess," I reply. He brightens up, "That's wonderful! Tell him I said hi! His name's Remy by the way."

"Sure," I said. "Looks like more and more people are descovering your family business," Joan says, smiling. "Sure is, congrats," Talyn added. Thomas smiled and thanked his two best friends. "Well, see you around Thomas, Talyn, and Joan!" I waved. We exchanged farewells and went on our own seperate directions.

"Virgil, i have realized that during the time period we have been "hanging out", we have yet to exchange numbers. Would you mind?" Logan said during lunch. "Hmm? Oh sure, why not," I said. "You know Lo, you can just say "Can I have your number?" right?" Roman said amusingly. "It's Logan, not Lo," Logan replied. "Whatever nerd," Roman jokingly said. We exchanged numbers and I was added to a group chat with Logan and Roman. I named Logan's contact as just "Logan" but I put Roman's name as "Princey".

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