Trading Vocations

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"Don't say that, you did great. Just rest." Han said something to Chewie that Aria must have missed. But what she didn't miss was the way Han turned to give Finn a look of awkward admiration. "Good job, kid. And thanks." Aria raised a brow as she realized she misspoke with Rey. Han does know how to show gratitude. 

Finn gave a single nod to the rebellion general. "You're welcome." As Finn leaned forward, his elbow hit a button on the galactic chess set. The projection pieces flickered to life, showing the last move C-3PO and Chewie made over thirty years ago. 

Aria watched in mild amusement as Finn tried to figure out how to turn the game off. 

"It's that button." She pointed vaguely to the control panel. Finn looked from her extended finger back to the control panel. He pressed what button he thought she was pointing at. "No, that one." She moved her pointer finger gently to the left. He pushed the button next to it. "No, the one I'm pointing at." She tried to keep the laugh from building up, but as he pushed the third button she couldn't help herself as she laughed out. 

Finn paused and looked up at the laughing pilot. 

"It's too easy." Her nose scrunched up as she plopped down on the seat next to Finn.

Han let his daughter have her fun, but the second she was done he turned his attention to Rey and Finn. "So... fugitives, huh?" He asked them. 

Aria looked at Rey to await her response. "The First Order wants the map." She explained. Han turned to Aria to see her nod. "Finn is with the Resistance..." Rey explained as she looked over Finn. Aria did too to see the way he stiffened slightly at the introduction. "I'm just a scavenger." Aria snapped her head back to look up at Rey. 

"You're more than just a scavenger." Aria told Rey. "You're piloting skills and your quick-thinking, you're a hell of a woman. Don't downsell yourself." Aria was all for powerful women, but she was even more for empowering those women. 

Han seemed to agree as he gave a nod. He looked over at Finn who finally found the correct button to turn the chess game off. Han wasn't sure about Finn's allegiance to the Resistance, he didn't have the workings of a Rebel Officer. It was even more obvious as he sat next to Aria- the  prime example of what a Rebel Officer was. She was strong-willed, passionate, more than mildly stubborn. Compared to her, Finn was weak. 

Han turned his attention away from Finn to look at BB-8. "Let's see whatcha got." He told him.

BB-8 looked at Rey and Aria, both girls he trusted more than the old pilot. Aria nodded as Rey said, "Go ahead." BB-8 took that as his cue as he rolled forward and projected the map up so it filled the whole room. 

Aria looked around as stars, planets- even entire systems- surrounded them. 

She raised her hand through a small projection of the moon Yavin 4, still she remembered its beauty and how she would probably never get to experience it again. 

"This map's not complete. It's just a piece." Aria looked away from her small planet to look over at her father as he spoke. She saw the hard look in his eyes, and noticed the way his forehead wrinkled in concentration. He really had aged since she last saw him, and she had to admit he looked more frail than ever- not that she would ever say that to his face. "Ever since Luke disappeared, people have been looking for him."

"Why'd he leave?" Rey asked. 

Han looked to Aria, not for her approval, but to see if she was okay talking about it. As she nodded, he went on. "He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy..." He saw Aria flinch and avert her eyes. That pained him almost as much as the actual memory. "-an apprentice turned against him, destroyed it all. Luke felt responsible... He walked away from everything." He lowered his head as he shook it. 

Charisma~ Poe DameronNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ