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Yoongi and Jay were sitting on the couch in their living room. The two were on their phones, minding their own business. Yoongi was texting Jungkook, checking on how he was doing. Like he did everyday.

Mom wasn't there to check on him anymore, so the task was passed onto Yoongi. Not like he minds though.

Yoongi then went on his social media, scrolling through the pictures on his phone screen.

"Who're you texting?" Jay asked, which sounded more like a demand.

"I'm not texting anyone," Yoongi gave him a look.

Suddenly, Jay stood up and snatched Yoongi's phone out of his hands. He went into Yoongi's messaging app and scrolled through the texts, reading it.

"Excuse me?" Yoongi tried to grab his phone. "Their private messages-"

"You won't want to know what happens if I find out you're cheating on me," Jay glared at Yoongi.

Yoongi knew Jay wasn't bluffing or anything. That wasn't the type of person he was. He was protective, aggressive, tough, maybe even dangerous in some situations.

After 5 months, Yoongi's changed a lot. He hasn't seen Hoseok since then, and he still thinks about the male sometimes. It was a good thing Jay couldn't get into his head, only to find that Yoongi had been thinking more about Hoseok rather than him.

He'd be dead.

As time went by, Yoongi's grown a little distant with his friends and family. All because of his work, and because of Jay. He didn't blame him though. Jay was possessive, but he was just protecting Yoongi.


"I promise I'm not cheating on you," Yoongi swore. "I'll never cheat on you."

"Good," Jay hugged him. "If you did, I might kill myself."

Yoongi's eyes widened, unable to reply when Jay started kissing his neck. A part of him wanted to push away, but he was more afraid of how Jay will react. So he didn't try to reject him, even though he wasn't in the mood for fooling around.

Yoongi closed his eyes as Jay sucked on his neck. When he opened them, he caught a glimpse of the familiar lady standing in the corner. He screamed, and pushed Jay off of him.

"Ugh!" Jay grunted. "What the hell?"

"I-I'm sorry," Yoongi shook his head as he apologized endlessly. His eyes were focused in the corner where he saw the Shadow Lady. "I saw her. I saw her-"

"If you didn't want to do it," Jay began. "you could've just told me. No need to come up with that bullshit excuse."

He soon stormed off to go upstairs, and a Yoongi was left alone in the living room. Scared that she was still there, and standing right behind him.

He felt her presence. He felt the chills down his spine. He felt her cold fingers on his shoulder. And her breath in his ear.

But he stayed silent.

After the 5 months, he learned to stay silent when he was in trouble. He learned to just let it happen, and to not push away. All because of Jay.

Jay changed him.

Jimin was currently working as a barista in a small café. His boss was a nice woman, but she could be quite, weird sometimes. She'd give Jimin these stares. Hungry stares.

Jimin, being the Jimin he was, ignored it all. He shrugged it off saying that was just his boss being herself. But that was until he found himself in the back room, back against the wall and trapped between his boss' arms.

"Y-you're too close," Jimin said, his whole body pressed against the wall at how close she was.

"You think I haven't noticed your stares?" she asked. "I know you want me-"

"That's a misunderstanding!" Jimin shook his head.

She chuckled. "You think you can raise your voice at me? You think you can reject me? I'm your boss. I have full control over you."

Jimin gulped. He needed the money from his job, since he and Jin were in a tight spot financial wise. Jin's done so much for him, and he wanted to repay him by getting a job. Only to be trapped in the corner with his boss all over him.

She went to kiss his neck, and Jimin grimaced. His whole body was frozen, and he was afraid. Truly afraid.



They heard the bell at the front being dinged multiple times with no stop, until Jimin's boss finally left him to go to the annoying customer. Jimin took deep breaths, taking in what had just happen. After a few seconds, he went out of the back room.

When he did, he saw Jin standing there. He would've said hi, but Jain was glaring holes into his boss' head.

"I saw what you were doing back there," Jin said. "That's not very professional, ma'am."

She scoffed, "You're here to order a drink. Just order it and go-"

"I'm here to save my friend," Jin interrupted her. "From being harassed by an old hag. Jimin, we're leaving."

Before Jimin could process what happened next, Jin grabbed his wrist and brought dragged him out of the store. Once they got into Jin's car, he finally turned to him.

"How long has that been going on?" Jin asked.

"She only started touching me today," Jimin mumbled, embarrassed at what Jin had to see.

"It's okay," Jin hugged Jimin tightly. "You're quitting that job, and we'll find you a new job with a nice boss. Preferably someone married, and not into guys."

Jimin giggled, "Thank you, Jin."

"Anytime," Jin pulled away, and started the car.

Jimin's phone buzzed with a text. He took it out of his pocket, and read the message. His eyes widening.

We need to talk...

"You ready for our date?" Taehyung snaked his arms around Namjoon's waist. "I'm excited."

"Me too," Namjoon replied, struggling to tie his tie.

"Here," Taehyung giggled, doing it for him.

"Where are you taking us?" asked Namjoon.

"That's a surprise," Taehyung finished. "You'll find out when we get there."

Namjoon huffed, but he still follows Taehyung to the car. After Taehyung got his drivers license, he couldn't stop bragging to Namjoon. As the two were on their way to the date location, they were oblivious to the car trailing behind them.

Author note:
Originally, the Shadow Lady was supposed to be in another book I wanted to write. It was a horror BTS ff. Sadly, I wasn't interested enough to write a whole book about the adventure of the seven boys, and so I put the Shadow Lady into Fate.

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