Write and Wrong

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AN: Bah! Filler chapter with lots of 'things that happen' I wanted to incorporate, but didn't come out as in depth as I wanted. Feel free to imagine in depth things skimmed over. On a brighter note, the next two chapters I had written months ago so the next update will come sooner than this one did!

"Maybe you should be dating her instead of me."


"Hey, Seren. Care to join me on a picnic?" Sinbad asks, stopping the Princess Serendine in the hall. He had a basket already packed, hanging from his arm.

She answers trying to sound apologetic, but with a slight hint of annoyance, "Not right now, I'm going out to see (y/n)." She continues walking past him.

Sinbad's face drops at the rejection. "Again? You're always running off to see her. Maybe you should be dating her instead of me."

Immediately, Seren stands ridged. She turns with a flushed face and swipes an arm at him. "It's not like that!" she shouts.

Sinbad brings his hands up defensively, sweating. "It's a joke, a joke!"

Seren huffs, "Well maybe you should see if you could get her to come here so I don't have to keep sneaking into the palace?" With that she storms out, heels clacking against the hard floor.

Sin scratches his head after she leaves "Those royals..."


In your room, when Seren finishes looking over the new section of your draft, she looks up at your expectant face.

"It's good I guess. Now how do we publish this?"

"I don't want to publish it just yet. Isn't there anything you think would make it better? Anything at all?" Parts of it still bothered you and you couldn't pinpoint everything you didn't like, but it still seemed a pale comparison to Sinbad's adventure stories. You had hoped a fresh pair of eyes could find all the problems you couldn't and perfect it, but perhaps your friend's involvement made her biased?

Seren's face contorts as she thinks for a few moments, eyes scanning through your words. "Maybe you could make my battle victories sound more glorious?" she suggests.

"I don't know how to make those any more exciting." You recall the frustration working through those parts and the more you tried to change them, they only felt more convoluted afterwards. There was at least one part you knew for sure you were not happy with. "I do want to rewrite the opening with a vision to grasp the readers, though. You know, give them a promise on how their lives will be better if they support you. What do you envision for your people?"

"I've told you before, my vision is to make Parthevia the greatest country in the world," she states matter-of-factly.

"Well, what's so great about that? Do you want the land to love you or the people?" The rising frustration in your voice becomes evident. It wasn't so long ago that you probably would have shared her view, but recent experiences had opened your eyes to different perspectives. You tried to recall thinking the way she was, but you couldn't find the words to explain so as to help her understand.

Seren looks at you dumbfoundedly, like you were speaking a different language. For the umpteenth time, she insists, "Being the greatest nation should give the people pride. For someone so isolated, why do you care so much about the people?"

Your hand gestures off to the general direction of Parthevia. "Isn't it their support that you are trying to win? Give them a reason to support you! Offer them something they can see right in front of them. Can you ensure their needs of food and comfort are met? Because that's what that devil Barbarosa is giving them! That is what you are up against! Unless you can make them see their lives better, you won't win them from him."

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