Offering an Opinion

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"We will take precautions against that."


"I think shadowing the Sindria Trading Company would greatly enhance my educational experience!" you exclaim.

King  Rashid sighs, "I already said no. I indulged you by letting you come to  Parthevia. I don't need you out bothering other people."

"Just ask Sinbad, I wouldn't be a bother!"

Rashid rolls his eyes. "I should have never said yes the first time."

You  make an attempt to storm out of your cabin to find Sinbad, but your  father blocks the door. He finally has come to visit you and this is how  it ended up.

"We'll be making port soon. Be sure you are presentable; you'll be escorted straight to the palace once we dock." Rashid leaves.

You  huff with your arms crossed. After you think your father is long gone,  you peek out. Fortunately, it's Barkak on duty. You make to leave, but  he lowers his spear to stop you.

"Hey, do you think you could help me?" you plead innocently.

Pained, Barkak responds, "I can't do anything to go against His Majesty's wishes." He obviously heard the recent argument.

"You don't have to. Could you tell me of the transport arrangements back to the castle? Will I see father again riding back?"

"Unfortunately  His Majesty has a few items of business to take care of through the  kingdom so you will be in separate carriages."

A plan forms in  your head with this information. You would ask Barkak for some  arrangements to be made, but that might alert him and indirectly your  father then your request might be denied.

"If that's the way it is," you try to sound disappointed, "I'm ready, so please notify me when we've arrived."

"Yes, Princess."


You  saunter from your cabin to your carriage as slow as you can. Your eyes  are peeled for purple hair among the crew. When you reach the plank, you  find Sinbad talking with your father down on the docks. Your father  looks up to you as he finishes then leaves for his carriage. Good. You  quicken your pace down the plank to catch up with Sinbad before he  disappears. You greet him and he gives you an indifferent salutation.

"So  Sinbad," you propose, "As the rest of the escort is with my father, may  I extend your duties long enough to escort me back to the palace?"

He  looks at your carriage with two footmen sitting upfront. "I think  you'll be fine without me. Besides, I need to get back to my company."

"On foot? I could have them take you there after dropping me off. I would appreciate not being alone inside the coach."

"As you wish then, Princess," he resigns.

It  is an uneventful and mostly silent ride to the palace. After your last  conversation, you are not in the mood to argue, so you refuse to  initiate any of the conversation. Not when he now seems to be annoyed  with you. Your mind is too anxious about pulling off your plan anyway.

You  exit the carriage in front of the palace and wave them off before the  footmen could notify a welcoming committee to attend you. As the  carriage pulls out so you are no longer in their sight, you run after it  and jump onto the back platform before it picks up speed. You maneuver  to hide underneath. The ride feels a lot longer than if you were inside;  your grip starts to weaken.

After multiple times of renewing your  determination, the carriage stops. At last, you let go and fall to the  earth. You turn your head and see Sinbad's feet exit and go into his  company building. The carriage then rolls off, no one the wiser of your  escapade. You lay for a moment to let your body recover. When you rise,  you find yourself covered in dust from the trip so you pat it off your  clothes and out of your hair the best you can.

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