Return with Rewards

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AN: Sorry, I know we're almost done here and I meant to do this chapter last month, but my mind has been consumed with Lady Kouen. I posted the first chp of the new fic so feel free to check it out. With any luck I'll have the last two chapters of this fic out by May! A sequel for this universe has also been in the works, but I'm still torn on the direction so after this is done, I hope to get some feedback for the sequel!

"I look forward to many nights of us sneaking out of our palace together!"


From a distance in the dark of the night, Yunan spies the faraway Sindrian Archipelago. He smiles from his lofty position.

"The new country seems to be lacking. This should help it along," he muses to himself and waves his pole-like rod with an arching swoosh.

The rukh chirp wildly in response and fly towards the islands. They are so thick that the air is almost palpable for even those with the lowest amounts of magoi. However, these actions for the most part go unnoticed as nearly everyone and everything is asleep at this hour. Perhaps one soul observes: a lone Fanalis on nightwatch who keeps the beauty of the spectacle to himself. The distant rumble from the rukh's destination is padded by the leagues of ocean in between.


In the peaceful afternoon, you look out at the sea, leaning on the ship's railing. You find something soothing about the monotony of the waves. No longer is traveling boring, but now you find it a nice breather from the adventures you've had. Recollecting all that's happened. Reliving the excitement in your mind while in the safety of the present. A much needed peaceful time of introspection.

Thinking of the villagers of New Tison, drawn to the dungeon, it was terrifying for them. But in the end, the experience was good: they learned how to speak in common tongue again. You are unsure as to whether they'll be able to use that skill to reteach the others, or if having the others go into another dungeon to learn would be worth the risk, but at least everyone could communicate within New Tison and now there were six of them that could negotiate with Heliohapt.

Just like they had overcome ordeals and were better for it, you feel as though you had grown on this journey too and are grateful you could come along.

From behind, a pair of arms appear and wrap around your waist. You could recognize them even without the jewelry adorning them. By now you know these hands well. Without turning, you relax into Sinbad's embrace as his face nuzzles into you.

"Ready to be home and spend the rest of your life ruling?" hums Sinbad.

"I don't that I've had a taste of adventure...I think you made me addicted," you tease.

He squeezes you. "Haha. A woman after my own heart. In that case, I look forward to many nights of us sneaking out of our palace together!" He breathes a deep sigh. "Takes me back to Parthevia when you inched along the outside ledge of the hotel just to get into my room."

You instantly flush red. How embarrassing! That was a couple of years ago now and it feels like a lifetime away. Who you used to be was a completely different person, almost a stranger to you now.

"Really, Sin!"

You squirm but he only laughs fondly, holding you tighter. "We've come a long way since then."

His hand rubs your shoulder but a scuffle behind you makes the two of you turn. You see a few of the Tran scampering away from your turtles as both parties shout in Tran language. As the villagers trip over each other, the turtles near them, mouths wide open. You rush over to scoop up the dungeon turtles while Sinbad helps the villagers up.

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