Sailing with Sinbad

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"I like how your face lights up when you experience something for the first time," he purrs.


This was your first time outside the palace! The first time going  down Balbadd's streets! The first time being close enough to the ocean  to feel it's mist on your skin! And you get to enjoy this small freedom  cramped in a small cabin room.

It was ridiculous that your father  emphasized that you were only coming along to observe. You were only  allowed to speak if you were addressed. And as there was no other use  for you, you were stowed out of everyone's way.

Just lie down and hear the wood creak and feel the rocking of the waves. One could get sick just doing this! Hmmm...sick...

You  knock on your door and call to the guards outside, "Hey, I doooon't  feee~l good. Could you escort me to the deck for some fresh air~~~?"

The door unlocks and opens. A guard says, "Come this way, princess." You follow him out.


Sinbad  is helping out on deck. Even though he boarded in his normal clothes,  Rashid suggested he change into his escort uniform to get use to it. So  here he was, looking like the others around him with only his unique  purple hair and gold hoop earrings to set him apart.

He notices  you with your escort coming on deck. You do kind of stick out, being the  only female on board and all. Still the sight of you freezes Sinbad. He  thinks, Oh shoot! It's that marriage-crazed princess. She's probably trying to force a friendship on me...

You come closer and closer to his position.

He gulps.

You start to sprint in his direction.

His eyes close.

He can hear your footsteps they run right past him!

His eyes open and follow after you.

What!? Did she forget me already? Somehow this rejection hurt him worse than if he had to fight off affection.

He  watches you go to some men pulling ropes on the mast. He hears you  enthusiastically ask them what they are doing, how they do it, and to  try doing it yourself. Seeing your first time at sea tickled something  inside him from back when he was learning to sail.

Your escort  encourages you not to get in the way of the men's work and discerns that  you are no longer feeling sick. Begrudgingly you go with him back to  your room, but ask if he could ask your father for time to be out in the  air and sun.


A few days later, you are still cooped up  in your room. At least there were brief walks you were now allowed,  timed when there wasn't as much hubbub on deck.

The door opens and an escort comes in with your dinner. He sets the tray down next to you.

"Hey princess!" he exclaims.

You look up and recognize those eyes. It was Sinbad!

"Oh, hey. You're dressed like the rest of the escort. I didn't recognize you."

"I've been working on blending in. But I arranged some favors so I could drop this off and get a chance to say hi."

This  takes you by surprise. Maybe before he was just eager to go home and  pack, not trying to get away from you like it had seemed. "Well, hi."

"It  wouldn't have been appropriate to call out to you during your  promenades, you seem to be treated more like a prisoner than a  princess."

"Is there a difference?" you smirk. "I'm only allowed along as an observer."

Sinbad sits down, facing you. "Same here. Guess we're in the same boat."

"Literally..." you joke.

"Hm? Oh!" Sinbad laughs a little when he realizes what you meant.

"So why finagle your way around to bring me dinner?"

Sinbad sighs, "I guess I was wanting someone to talk to."

"About what?"

"Well,  I was born in Parthevia and I didn't exactly leave on good terms. I  guess I'm a bit apprehensive about what I will find there. Do you know  anything about what has been happening there or what General Barbarossa  is like?"

You shake your head, "My father knows more than I do."

"I've  heard there are horrible things going on. Your father is letting me  find out for myself if any of the rumors are true. I don't know what  I'll do if they are."

"Are you nervous?"

"Heh. Maybe. One  story I get, Parthevia is finally at peace and starting to prosper. The  other story I get is about mass executions 'purging' the country. If the  first is true, then why am I trying to change the world? It can change  without me. If the later proves true..." Sinbad balls his hands into  fists. "...I don't think I'll be able to hold back my rage."

You place a hand on one of his fists. He looks back up at you.

"Do you trust yourself to do what is right?"

"Yeah. But what would be right in this situation?"

"I  find that things never go as planned, so I wouldn't stress about it too  much. Just watch, some third possibility will be the reality."

"Go as planned...heh. So what's your reason for coming?"

"I  saw an opportunity and I took it. This is the first time I've ever left  the palace. Yes it stinks that I'm being held under lock and key, but I  finally get to see more of the world. I love reading about different  places and their cultures. I can hardly believe I get to see it first  hand now."

Sinbad smiles in on himself. He stands up and offers you a hand. "Come on, I want to show you something."

You take it and the two of you head toward the door. Sinbad opens it and pokes his head outside.

"Hey,  the princess seems to have eaten something that disagreed with her. I'm  going to take her up to," he whispers the next part, "relieve the  contents of her stomach."

He now opens the door more fully and you  quickly bring a hand to your mouth and scrunch your eyes, playing  along. You groan as Sinbad tugs you along behind him before the guards  have time to protest.

It is dark on deck, and it seems the guards  followed you as a precautionary measure. Sinbad brings you to the  railing. Your hands grab hold. You bend over and make coughing sounds to  go along with the act. One hand rests on top of yours. He pats your  back with the other stating loudly, "There, there. Just let it all out.  It's okay." He bends closer to you and whispers, "Nothing beats a night  sky at sea."

You pretend to wipe your mouth as you look up. You  gasp at how much clearer the stars are here compared to back home. And  how the moon reflects off of the waves! You feel Sinbad's arm around  your waist, as he seems to be standing ever closer. His cheek is next to  yours. He gives your hand a squeeze. Hopefully to the guards behind  you, this looks like he's supporting you.

"It's beautiful!" you exclaim.

"I like how your face lights up when you experience something for the first time," he purrs.

You stand together like this for some time in silence, giving you time to take it all in.

When  you feel you've tried the guards' patience long enough, you make one  more fake puking motion over the rail then let Sinbad guide you back  inside.

"See, no harm done," he smiles to the guards as you pass them.

He  brings you all the way to your bed and gets you to lie down before  letting go of you. He bends over you and brushes stray hairs off of your  face. "Sweet dreams, princess." He kisses your forehead before taking  his leave.

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