Investigating the Islands

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"Do you need me to carry you back to the boat?"


The first island you pass is small and the farthest from the rest of the cluster. There are plans to build a monumental tower to greet newcomers, tall enough to match the height of the mountain on the northeast island. There is also secret talk of relocating the Tison villagers to here so they can be closer, but hopefully far enough away to not scare others.

The boat continues on towards the western beach of the main island. After your group rows up and you step out, your feet sink into the sand. The grains seep into your shoes, making you squirm at the sensation. As the sun beats down, you also wish you had lighter clothes for the occasion.

The boys laugh and suggest going barefoot so you make your choice (even if that includes chucking your shoes at one of those laughing faces) before setting out.

The beach is massive, separated from the rest of the island by a cliff which the palace and trading company buildings will be built on the top of. The area would be great for recreation if it were more accessible. For now, sailing around is the easiest way to get there. You squint to the top of the cliff, imagining the view of ocean sunsets you'll be able to have up there.

You then look the other way with sand and ocean as far as the eye can see. Kikiriku runs around with Sharrkan and Masrur chasing after him; Masrur better succeeds at impeding the young Imuchakk from going off too far. Ja'far stands next to you, adjusting a Balbadd fisherman's hat to keep the sun off of him. He must be wearing more layers than you are and you don't envy how much hotter that must be.

"It's so flat here," you comment, "It would be easy to build an arena or coliseum for sport here. Sin sounded fond of those and we don't have one back on the mainland so it could be a favorable attraction."

"Easier said than done," Ja'far said, "This beach is often submerged so we need to make sure anything we build won't be washed away. Sand makes for a poor foundation too."

Those factors were mentioned in the report from a survey team that had been out here for over a year. Noting weather and migration patterns was invaluable information for layout and architecture. It also mentioned some sea creatures like to nest along here too, but you feel safe among Sinbad's friends.

Suddenly you're shoved from behind and fall forward into the sand. Kikiriku laughs behind you and runs off shouting that he tagged you. Determined for justice, you get up, hike your skirts, then chase after him. It is not long before it turns to fun, running around with the others, kicking sand up and an occasional tackle. All the while wondering how racing would fare as the island's official sport.

Hinahoho's voice can be heard, calling out that the tide will be coming in soon. However you, Sharrkan and Kikiriku are having such fun chasing the waves near the cliff. You spy a shimmer and slip in the wet sand as you realize it's a snake! When Sharrkan comes to help you up, you point at it.

"Oh don't worry," Sharrkan tries to reassure you, despite the shakiness in his voice. "Back in Heliohapt, royalty and nobles wear snakes as a sign of status. I'd have one too if I was still there."

The tanned prince holds a trembling arm towards it so see if it will slither onto it. It seems to rather leave your lot alone as it coils to the side. Sharrkan takes a hesitant step closer.

But as he nears, a dark shadow comes over you. Looking up, you see a giant sea serpent, thick as a beech tree and at least three times taller than you, baring its fangs. It dives down, but meets only sand as Kikiriku pulls you away by the shoulder. Sharrkan stands between you and the serpent as it gears for another attack. If only you had a sword on you, but all the three of you have are your baer hands.

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