Dungeons to Dominate

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"You're the only one who can do these things so our dream can be a reality."


You never thought it would feel so good to be home again. Sprawled out on your bed, you thank your lucky stars for your recent blessings. Sure Sinbad had to forfeit his deposit on the island off Parthevia, but he was now free from Barbarossa's influence. If you never saw that green-haired devil again it would be too soon! The villagers from Tison were roaming free in wild and untamed lands where they would not be a danger to others. Best of all, you had a marriage you were actually looking forward to!

The betrothal was made official upon returning to Balbadd. You would be wed on your 18th birthday, which was still a few years down the road. Rashid seemed keen on Sinbad's proposal to allow him a principality among the kingdom's more southern islands. The territory would come as part of your dowry, but scoping out and preparing the island that was to become Sindria could be done in the meantime.

You sigh with a smile as you look at things through Sinbad's perspective. He said your father really did care about you and was proud of you. You try to recount recent events envisioning your father acting out of love, not hatred. Perhaps staying in the palace and always having guards when you left were for protection, not a restriction; his anger at grounding you was because he was afraid of what might have happened to you. And he did compliment you when Sinbad first proposed. He also asked your opinion about Barbarossa instead of just traditionally choosing who you would marry.

Things were really looking up now.


Sinbad holds your hands at the port as you wish him luck on his voyage. Ja'far, Masrur, and Sharrkan are accompanying him as he sets off to explore Balbadd's waters for the perfect spot to build Sindria. Preferably an island to the southwest with a straight shot to the Dark Continent.

"I want you to work with Vittel and Drakon on solidifying the ordinances for Sindria while I'm gone," he says.

You nod. By this time the two of you had talked extensively about what this dream kingdom would look like so you had a fair idea of what Sinbad wanted. Being a Balbadd princess, you also knew what would and would not work under Balbadd's laws. You had a few dinners planned with your father to go over how much independence the principality would have as well.

"Be safe and don't take too long. We may have three years, but we have a lot of work to do in that time!"

He kisses your forehead. "Never fear, I'm Sinbad the Dungeon Capturer! Nothing will happen that I can't handle!" He strikes a heroic pose before boarding the boat.


At first, Vittel was extremely shy working so much with you. It always seemed to make you smile though. He managed to keep the trading company running but have time for you when you would come down from the palace. His intimate knowledge of the Trading Company's resources helped you map out a rough plan of how to start a mini country on an uninhabited island.

With Drakon's and your governmental experience, your team felt confident with the first draft of laws that Sindria would have. Rurumu, Parsine, and Mystras came in for outside opinions from various cultures to add in the best parts from all societies. Mahad always hung around in the background when Parsine was there. Mystras would often go out with Pipirika afterwards too.

One time you arrive at the company and walk in on Drakon writing a letter, which you found a little comical seeing his big dragon claws trying to delicately hold the feathered pen scrawling on paper.

"What do we have here?" you ask, looking over his shoulder.

Shocked, he slammed his other hand over the words and you perceive the green scales of his cheeks turn red. "Oh, it's not much...just sending a note to Saher. She left with Princess Serendine when she returned to Parthevia."

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