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"Then perhaps you can ease my suffering in other ways?"


At the port, you look back over Parthevia. Your focus is on a dark hole in the sky in the distance, imagining the final battle you read about in Sinbad's draft. It had been nighttime when you arrived in the country and it was dark every time you had been outside so you hadn't noticed it till now.

"You keep frowning like that, you'll get worry lines," teases the voice of Seren. It has been such a relief hearing her real voice with that distinct tone she always took.

You face her with a sincere smile. "Seren! How nice of you to see me off!"

"More of a fortunate coincidence. My attendant is being discharged." She motions to the side where Drakon wheels a chair with Saher sitting in it. "Paralyzed while protecting Tamira. She's served me well, but I do think going forward that office work at the Sindria Trading Company will be better for her." Seren leans in close to whisper, "Plus, have you seen those two when they're together? I wish them the best."

You take a closer look. They appear to be quite comfortable with each other. You note Drakon's green cheeks with that same brush of red like when you caught him writing correspondence letters to her.

"In that case, I better keep an eye on them during the trip back so they don't cause any trouble," you joke. Since father gave you permission to return to Balbadd on the company's vessel, they very well might end up as your cabin mates.

"I leave them in your care then," she laughs. Then she gives you a hug and whispers, "Thanks again for your help."

"But...I didn't do much," you protest. You wished you could have been here to help out, but wishes and actions are different things.

Seren loosens her hold on you just enough to look you in the eye. She brushes a wisp of hair out of your face. "Don't sell yourself short. Not all heroes fight on the frontlines. Word from your story got out..." It had been so long ago, you almost forgot your first published work was to help her gain citizens' support. She continues, "...you distracted Barbarossa, and you relayed my message to Sinbad. Thanks to you, I have my country back and my brother is already regaining his health. Now, everything is resolved!"

Sidestepping the praise, you point to the dark spot in the sky. "So you mean to tell me you are not at all worried about that?

Seren turns to look and her face darkens. "Falan and Judar are going to investigate it. They gave the impression that we can benefit from that eyesore."

"I hope so," you say.

Seren tilts her head, discreetly scanning the crowd. Her eyes seem to glow as she focuses behind you. "Also, I'm removing the connection I have with your guard. Zepar's power has limits, which I reached during the revolution. I used it on two of Barbarossa's henchmen, but it was ineffective when I attempted it after that. I need to have that ability available for emergencies."

You follow her gaze to see said guard with his eyes clenched shut and hand rubbing near his ear.

"I'll miss talking with you, so please remember to write," you implore.

"Maybe with the help of some of the magicians that fought with us, they can study Zepar and devise a better means of communication."

"I would like that. I can see if our magician, Irene, has any ideas about that too."

"If nothing else, I should see you again at your own wedding."

You roll your eyes and sigh, "If Sinbad ever comes home long enough to."

Princess of Balbadd (Magi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now