"Okay the bitch word is getting out of hand." I say. Which only makes her laugh.

        "I know you love her. You're my best friend too. I've been telling her I had a crush on you for ages. To get a reaction out of her. She knows. Or at least I think she knows. She just buried it. Maybe your letter will help her snap out of it. But you gotta hurry before Finn the Fish asks her out. Once their official she won't see anybody else. You know that." Jada says. And I nod even though she couldn't see me.

"Yeah I do. Remember Rainbow Rick?" I ask. Jada chuckles.

"The one who took her virginity and left her so you made him black and blue?" She offers and I shrug.

"Yeah I liked his nickname." I say chuckling.

"Oh! Remember wreck-it Ralph?" Jada asks. And I sit there. I honestly sit there waiting for her to notice that she was an idiot. When it didn't come I sighed.

"That's a movie." I said.

"Shut the fuck up or I won't help you!" Jada shouts.

"Okay! Okay. I remember wreck-it Ralph. He used to be all like I'm gonna wreck it." I said words dripping with sarcasm.

"Okay. Now let's us do this." Jada says. And we got down to work.


Dear, Mi amor

I've been thinking lately about all the things we've done over the years and how many times I had to stop myself from kissing you. And I realize how strongly I started off the letter but there's no point in beading around the bush. This is a love letter from me to you. I didn't know how to write this. In fact Jada tried to help me and the only things we could both come up with is to tell you how I love you and why. I mean I could write a whole book. But you know I don't have the patience. So I'll just give you the ten biggest reasons I have.

1. You're passionate. Like the torch that's burning in the pit of my stomach for you.
2. You try to be tough on the outside. But your soft in the middle and you let me see that side of you.
3. You make me brave. Like when we were in sophomore year you convinced me to join the mathletes because I was really good at math and I was terrified of what people would think of me. But suddenly I realized that the only person I cared about was you. And you made me brave enough to do it on my own. I won that national for you.
4. How you dance. The way you move is so good that it could almost be unholy. In a good way.
5. When you smile. Because sometimes you give me this smile that I hope is only reserved for me. And it makes my heart pound and maybe you feel the same way too.
6. Your laugh can literally send chills down my spine and I figure if I make you laugh enough you'll see the love that I have for you written all over my face.
7. Your hair. It's curly. I love it when it's in its normal tight curls. And I know you like to change it up sometimes but when it's in a curly bun on the top of your head is when it drives me crazy the most. It should be illegal.
8. The love that you have for your mom. I grew up in separate house holds because my mom and dad got divorced. My dad and I are closer because and I know you remember this. Because when I was fourteen my mom decided to go out and venture into every man pants she could find. Leaving me with a workaholic father and a tutor. Who happened to be you. That's how we became friends remember? The dorky Cuban boy with glasses and baggy clothes?
9. Your confidence. I mean if confidence was a person she'd look like you.
10. You're beautiful. Both inside and out.

I know that the best words in love have already been written. But I do love you. Naomi. I am I completely and utterly consumed by the love that I have for you. And I hope that you don't hate me for waiting this long to tell you. But it was out of fear of the way you would see me. Because I see you Nani. I see all of your best aspects and all the worse. I hope you can forgive me.
Love, Ollie

I sigh before heading to school to practice for graduation. Last day. Which meant tomorrow after graduation I would give her the letter and go on a random vacation turning off my phone and ignoring the world. Okay probably hiding in my house waiting for her to drop by. To see her facial expression was it happy expression on her face or an angry one. I approach Naomi and Jada on the stage.

Naomi looks at me and gives me my reserved smile.
That smile. Could take a picture and make it last forever.

"What's up?" I ask. Jada shakes her head fiercely.

Naomi grins wider. I knew what she was gonna say wasn't going to be good for my heart.

"I decided what I wanted to do after graduation. I hope you don't mind but I included you." Naomi says. And I nod.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well I want to commute to the local four year college like you. So same school again. Yay! We should consider moving in together. But I decided to stay home so Finn and I can work on our relationship." Naomi says. It was like a punch in the gut. I force a smile. Finn. Finn the mother fucking fish. You swim fast I see you ain't nothing like your dumb ass brother Nemo.

"We should all move in together. It'd be fun." Naomi says. I hope she was including Finn. I look to Jada who just shrugged.

"I should probably go check —" I start before just walking away. Didn't even have the energy to come up with a lie.


When I got home I made some adjustments to the letter.

P.s it's sucks that you're dating Finn when I've been waiting here for you all along. And I can't even blame you because you don't know how I feel for you. And it hurts. That once again some random guy has come and stolen you away from me. Forget it. Forget me. I still love you. Goodbye Nani. For real this time.

I write. Then I put it in my desk drawer never to be touched again.

Authors note:
The updates will probably be every Friday. A short story. And it was fun writing . Hope you like it!

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