Chapter 9

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Naomi's POV

       It's been a week since the incident. I was still a little jumpy but I wasn't letting all the pent up anxiety get to me. Instead I focused on my project. On how I could turn a duet into a one person harmony. Or if I could find a partner this last minute.

I was out of options. I had to ask Ollie.

I open my bedroom door and head to his. I knock once before walking in. I saw something I did not want to see.

A girl on her hand and knees with a blind fold on her eyes. He was behind her pounding the shit out of her. One of his hands surged through her hair. The other one held her arm behind her back. My eyes went wide.

His eyes meant mine. We held eye contact for a second. My heart was pounding in my ears. How didn't I hear what was going on in here? I felt sick. The mixed emotions I had for him was really starting to get on my nerves . I know how he is. What he does. How am I letting this get to me? I'm not. He's my best friend.

The girl wheezes out pants. Her legs shaking. I glance at her before back at him before taking a step back. He still stared at me. He didn't make a move to look away. It was like he liked me watching him doing that to her. The girl lets out a strangled groan. Her hips bucking back against him. I was getting turned on by this and I shouldn't be. Ollie doesn't stop. He keeps going. While watching me. I just need my feet to react with my heart in brain which were both screaming at me to run.


I gasped lowly as she comes.

Well that was definitely hot.

          I jump when I hear my phone ring and I was finally out of the trans. I shut the door before walking back to my room. I fan myself. Feeling hot and bothered.

       I pick up my phone and place it to my ear.

      "Hello?" I ask. I sounded breathless. Maybe I was.

"Why in the world haven't you called?!" My mother screamed at me through the phone. It made me jump again.

"I'm sorry mommy." I rush out.

"You mean to tell me that Jada had to call me to tell me what happened and you didn't?!" She continues.

"Mom I've been distracted lately. I've got a final for my dance class and no one to do it with... and Finn and I just broke up about two weeks ago. I've been looking to find a rebound. I still haven't and it could've been worse and I'm thankful for Ollie." I was in a hurry to catcher up because I needed a shower and to get the hell out of there.

The awkward moment when he sees me after everything. I didn't want to be here.

"You know you should've called me. I already worry with you being so far away from home and I really am grateful for Oliver too. Why didn't you ask Ollie to help you with both your problems? It would've been a lot easier and safer." My mother suggests.

I knew my mom worried for me. But I was only two hours away and I used to go to Sunday dinner with her and her boyfriend Benny. It's slowed down some when Finn got distant because he's the one I'd take with me. I used to take Ollie all the time at first but he stopped wanting show up with me when I started dating Finn.

I grew up without a father but Benny was like a dad to me. I respected him because he respected and loved my mother.

"Both my problems? Mommy. What are you talking about?" I ask finally catching on to what she said.

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