Chapter 15

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Naomi's POV

It had become official. I was falling in love with my best friend. It wasn't intentional. And I never meant for any of this to happen. But we'd become so good together lately. Or maybe that had been my period brain. The whole overly hormonal bullshit week is finally over with.

After him holding me even though I know I shouldn't have let him do it. But it felt right. I felt at home, like it was where I was supposed to be. Our junk lined up perfectly. Come on! If that's not perfect I don't know what is.

        I was watching television when Oliver walks in with a bottle of wine. I grin at him softly. He says nothing as he grabs two glasses. He'd been gone few days. To meet up with his father and talk business. And to be honest I was glad he was back I'd missed him. My body was shaking slightly at thought of him touching me.

"Hey! Missed me?!" He asks as he comes and sits on the couch. Placing both of the glasses down.

"I don't know." I say grinning. He places a kiss on my cheek and I have to fight the sudden urge I had to blush.

What are you doing to me Oliver?

"So, we have to celebrate. My dad is thinking about making me the CFO of the company." Oliver says. And I nod. But if he became the CFO of the company he'd have to move to Florida where his Cuban-American father lives. Where the business is. I felt an ache in my chest. I still had one more semester left and I wouldn't be able to go with him. Not that he was going to ask me to come with him.

But what if he did? What if he was feeling the same way I was? What if he was falling in love with me too? My heart aches at the thought. I knew that it would never happen though. I'm not his type.

I must've zoned out.

"Nani. Hello." Oliver says snapping his fingers. I shake my head and give him a smile.

"Congrats Mr. Officer." I say. And I cringe at the way my voice sounds. I didn't sound excited.

"Look, I know you're worried about me leaving you with the bills. I wouldn't do that to you. You know that." He says. I hadn't even thought about that. I was thinking about him leaving period.

"How soon are you leaving me?" I ask. My eyes widen at what I said. I look at him, "I mean. How soon are you leaving?"

"Not that soon. I have to finish up my last year and pick up some finance classes. It's all about where I spend my last year." He tells me and I nod. He looks at me.

"Nani. I'm excited. Be excited with me." He says. He pours the wine in the glass and hands it to me. It was red wine.

"Red wine makes me frisky." I say taking a sip. He chuckles and nods.

"Yes it does." He says still chuckling. I take a sip. Then I drank the whole cup before placing it down.

"I don't really need it though." I say. I maneuver myself to the point where I'm hovering over his lap. I place my hands behind his head. My knees on either side of his lap.

He looks at me with this look that I can't put my finger on and it makes me let him go.

"What?" I ask.

He looks down no longer making eye contact with me.

"Oliver what?" I ask again.

"How long are we going to be doing this?" He asks.

"I don't know I haven't really thought about it. Do you want to stop?" I say. I felt naked. Like he'd striped me raw and not in a good way. I felt myself mentally unattached myself from him. I'd hoped that this would be different. My heart constricts painfully in my chest.

"I didn't say that. I just... I haven't really slept with anyone since we started sleeping together and that was one of the biggest rules. One of the only rules for us. I just don't want us to get too complicated. I don't know what I'd do, if I lost you." Oliver explains himself. I'm looking down at my hands and he grabs my face softly making me look at him.

"We won't get complicated. Before it gets too far we'll stop. Then we should try to sleep with someone else. I got a number from a guy at the restaurant I can call I -" I start and he interrupts, "You should. Call him."

My heart falls in my stomach and I feel the need to throw up but I don't. I nod my head. He's looking in my eyes searching for any emotion I could have in my eyes. But I don't have any. I climb off his lap.

"Okay. I'll go... call him." I say. This is not what I wanted to happen.

"Nani... I can't lose you." He says softly and I nod my head again. How can you avoid conversation with your best friend? When he lives with you?

"You will never lose me." I tell him over my shoulder heading up the stairs to my room. I fell backwards onto my mattress.


The house was eerily quiet when I woke up. I wanted to talk to Oliver. I didn't want him thinking that I was mad at him. I didn't want him to think I had genuine feelings for him. Not if it was going to end badly and get messy. I thought I could do the whole no emotional attachments. But it felt Oliver was a piece of me now. And I'd panic if he even thought about leaving me for a second. So if shoving my feelings down to make sure him and I are okay. I'll do it.

      I get out of my bed and I walk to his room. I knock softly before opening it. He wasn't here and I felt a sadness wash over me. He was probably out looking for other girls to sleep with. I climb down the stairs grabbing some orange juice before making my way back to my room.

       I pull out an erotica book and read it until I heard him stumble in the house. He was drunk. I could tell by the shuffling of his feet. I hurry to run and turn off my light so I could pretend to be sleep if he came into my room. I lay down on the opposite side of the bed I normally lay on. I don't know if he'd notice that. But I pretend to be sleep.

         His steps were loud and heavy. He made his way into the bathroom and I heard the shower run for a minute until I actually fell asleep.

        I felt the bed dent in. He was getting in the bed with me. He was drunk though.

      "Nani? Are you awake?" He asks. Then he sighs I don't say anything. I let him think I was asleep.

         "I don't know man. Every girl I've ever met, came to me so easily before you. Now the only thing that can make me get hard is your voice. Your face. I don't know you. You're my best friend. And I cannot lose you because all I want to do most of the time is fuck you. And hold you. And wish you were mine. It's sad I know. But this is supposed to be fun and no strings. Except I keep stumbling upon them. I keep finding new strings to pull and swing off of. And now I'm falling. Falling fast. God, Nani. Why did I tell you to call that guy? Now all I want to do is punch something." Oliver mumbles everything in Spanish and I caught nothing. I hate when he does that.

    But he doesn't get up and leave. Instead he wraps his arm around my waist drawing me closer to his chest holding me tightly to him. He plants a kiss on the back of my neck.

        "I truly hope I never lose you." Oliver says . And I sink more into him. Feeling whole again. I wasturn around though. I tuck my chin into his neck and wrap my arms around his shoulders. It felt like a second nature to cuddle against him and to breathe him in.

        "You'll never lose me Ollie." I say. He kisses my temple and we fall asleep like that. Lost in each other.

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