Chapter 6

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Naomi's POV

        I was covered in sweat sitting on the floor hugging my knees to my chest. I watched as Oliver flirted with some big boob red head. And couple of days ago I wouldn't have cared. But now it bothers me. But only a little.

     I was tapped. I watched as my girl best friend had a seat beside me.

         "So what do you think he's saying to her to make her smile like that?" Jada asks. I look at her slightly amused.

      "Something in Spanish." I say. She nods her head.

      "Yeah that's almost the sexiest thing about him." She said. I nod my head this time.

        "Does he ever speak to you in Spanish?" Jada asks. I nod my head.

       "Yeah. All the time especially lately." I tell her . She smirks.

       "Do you like him? And what about Finn?" Jada asks in a rush. I look at her confused. Oh shit I didn't tell her about Finn. My heartaches painfully. I haven't really talked it through the way I needed to. All I did was get drunk and then kiss my best friend.

       "Finn and I broke up." I say. My voice shakes and I'm not ready to really admit that a five year relationship has went to the trash.

       "Oh honey." She opens her arms and I fall into them without a hesitation.

        "Do you want to go cut his dick off? I mean you could probably get better use out of it than he can." She says. I snort out laugh. I roll my eyes keeping the tears at bay. I didn't want to cry about him anymore. I didn't want to have feelings about him anymore.

       "I could probably use it better than he could. Because god I need to get laid." I said. Jada squeals and she had this look in her eye. The one that says she's definitely plotting something.

      "What?" I asked.

        "Have you tried talking to anyone?" She asks.

      "Yes and they're all boring." I say.

       "Who have you gone out with?"


        "He was probably scaring the shit out of those guys." She says. I take a glance at him.

"Why would he be doing that?" I asked

"Honey you're so pretty." She tells me and pats my hair. I swat her hand away.

I still watched Oliver's ass. It's a good looking ass. What the fuck is going on?

Has to be the lack of sexuality that's causing me to be lusting after my best friend. He's been hot since forever and it's like all of sudden I'm starting to notice.

"Nami." Jada says waving her hand in my face and my heart drops at the nickname.

"What?" I asked

"You were staring at Oliver." She says and I shake my head fiercely.

"No I was looking the boobs on that girl he's talking to. I look like a preschooler." I said

I was hoping that it would take her mind off of the fact that I was indeed looking at Oliver. Her long time crush.

"But the things you can do I bet a preschooler never thought of. Come on." She says before getting up giving me a hand.

I grabbed it willingly allowing her to pull me up.

We walk over to Ollie and the girl just hear him say, "déjame llevarte a casa bebé."

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