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Naomi's POV

I was getting ready for my date. Not that I actually wanted to go. But I wanted to see if he would stop me. If he cared enough to stop me. Would he stop me? I mean he wanted me to go on this date right? Something about not wanting to ruin what we have.

        I see where he's coming from. I don't want to ruin us either. But how could we complicate a friendship by having mutual feelings for each other? Unless that meant that he doesn't feel that way about me. Even though the way he touches me tells me different. I know in my gut if I went for it then we could possibly be happy together. But I can't make anyone feel anything for me.

I learned that with Finn.

I slide on a bright red dress that stopped above my knees and zipped up the back. I sighed heavily putting on black pumps. I puff out my hair in front my my full body length mirror. Fixing my hoops and lipstick. I looked hot.

I really hoped Ollie stops me. I walk out my room heading down the steps. Oliver was in the living room watching tv. His long muscular body sprawled all over the love seat. It's always been so weird to me how he could find that comfortable. His head turns towards me doing a double take.

          "Where you going?" He asked sitting up. I shifted in the empty space in the middle of the loft. I shifted from foot to foot. I was contemplating on whether or not I should tell him where I'm going or not.

        "On a date." I say. And I look at him. He doesn't say anything. Just stared blankly behind me.

       "Oh... okay cool." He says. His voice was even. It didn't even crack. He didn't seem to be affected by this. I was still hoping for him to just tell me not to go. The awkward silence seemed like it echoed everywhere. I felt sad. My heart actually felt sad. No one has ever made me feel like this. Ever.

        I nod my head leaning forward and backwards on my heels. I look over at him through my lashes biting my bottom lip. I was probably ruining my lipstick but I didn't care.

       His eyes never leave off of me. And I wish he could read my mind. Because it was screaming at him, begging him to tell me to stay.

         "Well, unless you can give me any reason why I shouldn't be going..." I offer. Willing him to say something. To actually say how he was feeling. But his face remained blank. Void of emotion.

       "No, I don't think I have one. Have fun though. I have to get ready. Jam is on his way." Oliver says and I nod my head. He gets up walking straight past me not looking me in the eyes. I watch as he take the stairs up two at a time. That long legged bastard. I sigh heavily before stalking out of the house.


      "How have you been?" Spencer asked as we sat down in a pizza restaurant. It was amazing how he knew I'd rather come somewhere like this rather than some bougie ass restaurant. He saw me. That was a nice change.

       "I've been good, how about you?" I asked. Making conversation. It felt forced now though. Like I was forcing myself to stay seated. It was hard honestly because I was attracted to him. Just not sexually. I held in a sigh. He was talking to me but I was barely paying attention.

      "Can I get you guys something to drink?" A waitress appears at what seems like out of nowhere.

       "Yeah I'll have a beer." Spencer says. He clears his throat looking at me. I smile before leaning forward.

        "Can I just have a cherry coke?" I ask. The waitress nods her head before walking away.

       "So what do you want to be when you're older?" I asked.

       "I want to be a taxidermist." He says. And my eyes widen.

     "Oh no honey. Don't do that." I tell him. He furrows his eyebrows.

        "I mean... I know it's not the most ideal dream. But it's mine." He says with conviction. And I almost felt bad for automatically stop finding him attractive.

       "Well what about you? What do you want to be?" He asks me. And I shift slightly. I put small smile on my face.

        "I want to be a dancer." I say.

          "Oh no honey don't do that." Spencer says and the waitress comes back with drinks and asked if we were ready to order. I roll my eyes at his come back.

      This was going to be along date.


       I climb into my Uber after my date was over. I sighed heavily on my way home. I was originally supposed to stay with him. Sleep with him. That was the deal. That's why I came on this stupid date in the first place. I blink back tears. I wasn't much of a crier. My mother was too strong for me this weak.

        "Are you okay?" My Uber driver asks and I nod.

         "Bad date?" He offers and I shake my head.

        "He was nice. It was fine." I say. And he snorts.

      "Isn't that girl code for 'no fun, no creativity, no chance in hell'?" The Uber drivers ask. And I get kinda scared. He sounded bitter.

       "No, uh... I just think he'll have a better chance with someone else." I say calmly. My voice even. He doesn't speak anymore and for that I'm thankful.

     I climb out of the door making my way inside of my apartment building. I wave at Jeff. He nods his head cleaning his nails. I get on the elevator. Sighing heavily. Today's been a long day. I walk in the hallway towards my loft and felt the beat of music on the bottom of my feet. Great we're having a party. I could use a drink though so it was fine.

      I was thinking about whether or not to tell Ollie how the date went. I had my mind made up until I walked in the house and saw Oliver sitting on the couch with a girl on his lap.

      It felt like the wind had been blown out of me. My eyes stung. How could I have thought he'd ever have feelings for me? How could I be so stupid. I take deep breath and walk in the house. Jam walks up to me with a grin on his face and vodka in his hands.

        I grab the bottle from him taking a long swig before giving out back to him.

      "Woah. You can die drinking like that." He reprimands me. I shrug. He grins before saying the worst pick up line in the history of pickup lines.

       "Well can I die with you?" He asks. I snatch the liquor bottle before hitting him upside the head and walked into the living room sitting the only single chair in the living room crossing my legs drinking the liquor and pretending to be on my phone and not watching Oliver like a hulk. This jealousy bug was getting out of hand now.

     "You good?" A random guy from Oliver's other friend group asks. I nod my head. He lifts my chin up from my phone in one quick smooth motion. We hold eye contact and the guy was hot. He leans down.

       "You're way too pretty to be sitting over here sitting down on your phone. Especially with that dress on. Dance with me." He whispers in my ear. His lips lightly brushing it. I nod. Sit the bottled down putting my phone in my chest and give him my hand. He pulls me to my feet and we walk to the empty part of our loft. Which was in front of the stairs and in between the kitchen and living room.

        All that by moneybag yo and Megan the stallion comes on. My drunk legs has a mind of its own dancing like a stripper on this boy without a shame in the world. I turn to put my ass on the guy and Oliver and I lock eyes. I mouth the words to him. He watches my every move while the girl continues to whisper in his ear. I guess I couldn't handle the sight anymore because I walk out.

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