Chapter 11

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Naomi's POV

        I was in dance class, avoiding standing to close to Finn who face was always contorted when he looked at me. Not that I cared though. I had other things to think about. Like the fact that I'll be sleeping with Oliver tonight. I felt somewhat excited.

My teacher was standing in front of the class demonstrating to us what he wanted us to do today. I felt kind of antsy. I had to ask my teacher if I could even dance with Ollie.

    Finn's facial expression was starting to get on my nerves. During a break I walk up to him.

       "What?" I ask. His back was turned looking into his bag.

       "You slept with that loser. I had to get tested to make sure I didn't have any sexual diseases." He tells me. And I snort.

       "You really think I would have cheated on you? With Oliver?" I ask. I was honestly curious I knew what I said was kind of fucked up. But seeing him this bothered let me know that he cared about me.

     "Do you think I cheated on you?" He asks as he turns around. I shrug.

       "Doesn't matter. Let's drop it. Stop looking at me." I tell him before walking away. I walk over to my dance professor. He was in the middle of another conversation with the girl Finn wanted to be partnered with.

    I wait patiently until it was over. They talked for a little minute with a lot of touching. They could be screwing each other. But then again what do I know.

I walk over to him before the class starts back up.

"Uh, hi excuse me. I have a question about the showcase." I tell him.

"What about it?" He looks at me. His ranked third of her down my body and I chose to ignore it. As long as he doesn't touch me I will be fine.

"I was wondering if the person has to be taking this class or could just have partner who can dance?" I ask him. No reason to hide behind the rainbow today.

"Everyone in the class has a partner. So I don't see why not." He tells me and I can't help but feel utterly excited. I grin at him.

"Thank you!" I say. I walk away quickly after.


I walk into my apartment smelling food.

"GUESS WHAT OLLIE!" I scream while slamming the door shut with my foot. I walk towards the kitchen to see Jada. I rush over.

"BOO BOO!" I scream and wrap my arms around her shoulders kissing her cheek.

"Hey boo boo. How are you?" She asks and her voice dripping with concern. I hold her little tighter to me.

"I'm okay. Cheek is only a little sore now. Got a slight amount of PSTD. I don't know if I'm scared to get drunk , or high, or just both at the same time, or if it's just going to clubs."I tell her.

"But Mommy ain't raise no bitch and if she did it was you." I tell her. She chuckles and hugs my waist. My face rested on her forehead.

Jada an I grew up together. My mother basically raising her as her own. She wasn't just my best friend she was my sister.

"So are you going to talk to me or keep giving Jada all of the attention that normally belongs to me?" Oliver says. I just tuned back into him. He was making fried chicken. His speciality.

I know right? He's Hispanic. Jada hand slides down to my ass before she pinches it sticking her tongue out at Oliver childishly.

I laugh when he glares at her.

"I talked to my teacher and we're on for the showcase." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow.

"What were you going to do if he had said no because you asked too late?" He asks. I shake my head in fake disappointment. Oliver always had to be the responsible one out of the three of us.

"Well if he had said no I would've had Jada seduce him." I say shrugging. Jada nods her head.

"Great back up plan." He tells me. I watch as he turns around. His ass looked plump and round. I couldn't wait to grab it.

I lift up looking down at Jada in a panic. No, no, no. I've fucked up. I can't do it. I won't. Not until I tell Jada first at least. She deserves to know.

I look at Oliver pleading for him to look at me so we could call tonight off. He didn't. He just kept cooking like an idiot.

"Boo boo. Can I talk to you in my room real quick?" I ask. I pull away from her slightly and she looks confused but nods. She climbs off of the chair by the counter. We make our way to the steps.

"Hey, where y'all going dinners almost ready?!" Oliver called after us.

"To make lesbian love! No you can't watch!" Jada says back. I snort before climbing the stairs. As soon as we hit my room I start to pace. Running my hands through my tangled curls. I should probably flat iron my hair soon. Or at least blow dry it.

"What's up boo?" Jada asks as she flounces on my bed. My beautiful Asian best friend stare at me.

"I...i oh boy. I kissed Ollie." I say closing my eyes flinching back. I hope she doesn't decide to bitch slap me. That would be bad. But I was also scared because I didn't want to lose her.

She grunts, "FINALLY!"

I open one eye looking at my clearly deranged best friend.

"...finally?" I asked. She nods her headi as if telling how I was an idiot.

         "I've been waiting for you to come to your senses!" She shouts. I hush her.

      "What senses? What are you talking about?" I ask.

      "Oh my god. Never mind. I'll let you figure it out on your own. I'm tired of the obliviousness. I'm going home thot. I'll see you later." Jada says climbing off my bed towards the door.

      "What about dinner?" I ask.

        "I have a date." Jada says as she walks down the stairs and out of the loft. Now I had to go downstairs and eat and have conversations with my best friend about what he's going to be doing to my body tonight.

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