Transformers animated oc

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Name: Lorenzo (normal name) Ocdaxo ( decepticon name)

Age: 35,000( 35 in human years)

Gender: male

Family: optimus prime ( adopted father) elita one/ Blackarachnia ( adopted mother) bumble bee( younger step brother ) tech shredder ( step sister) soundwave ( father figure ) Amandra ( his wife pregnant with twins) kino ( his son ) avaxe ( his daughter )

Personality: determind. Stuborn. Intelligent. Strategist. Manipulative.

Weapons: sword of leaders. Dual blasters. Spear

Species: cybertronion

Team: con

Forms: he used to be a bright yellow and silver cybertronion car. But has changed into a dark purple cybertronion armored car and has dark purple and black along with blue optics of his old form still. And has a dark purple battle mask on his face to cover his true face and hide his optics of what he is.

Bio: he was a young sparkling when his parents abandoned him. He was alone and scared as he does not know what to do. He was in an orphanage as he was with other sparklings. He has nowhere to go and with no one he knew. He was just an innocent sparkling. Then he sees optimus prime and elita one, they came to find a sparkling they could adopt to there family. He felt that they won't adopt him as he was just nothing to them as he thought. But then they choose him as they see him special as a sparkling that is special to them. He felt happy as he then becomes apart of them as family, he was returning to his new home as they enter. He see two other sparklings like him as they were different he gets introduced to bumble bee and tech shredder by his parents. He gets to get to know them and he loved them as if they were his siblings. They laugh, play and have fun. He feels like he was belonged in a true family.

In the acadamy days he was happy to be tending to be with his father and mother. As then he gets to meet everyone in the acadamy. He is just a normal cybertronion but when he meet ultra magnus he sees him as a great potential to cybertron.

One day when he was 15,000 years oldhe was with his parents and Sentienel as they came to the organic planet to search for an abamdoned decepticon warship. They searched until they found it but they were swarmed by giant organic spiders. He then goes to get his mother out of the caves but an energon explosion came and it knocked him and his mother to the wall. He was the same as he is. But felt betrayed by Sentienel as he feels hatred to the autobots the same as his mother but not the same reasons. He and his mother meet megatron and they joined the decepticons. He changed his name to Ocdaxo and changed his form to his decepticon one as he is anew.

It has been a very long time as he is now 20,000 years old. He was being trained and taught by soundwave and shockwave as they teach him the ways of the decepticons. But also there ways of doing of there roles. He learned overtime and understand the decepticons better. But when ever he is with soundwave or shockwave he feels as if they are father figures. Which he missed his adopted father optimus prime. He has to do daily tasks and know everything of decepticon history. He learns to be cunning and other skills and leadership as he was not to be assigned on a mission until Megatron decided to do so. This caused him to be stuborn but he always takes care of his adopted mother which she changed to Blackarachnia. But he is the only one who she loved and cared as she sees him as never betraying her after the acident. He helps her whenever he can in his spare time and learns well of his strengths and weaknesses he need to improve on and work on.

It was the day when he was 25,000 years old he has meet amandra a decepticon female as she is special and she made him feel so happy and joyful and feeling all lovey dovy. Then he realized that he loved her so much they had been hanging out exploring earth when they had the chance. And he has even learned all of earth's history as he was fasinated by the romance of the three kingdoms in china history. And roman empire and it's great leaders such as julius ceaser.

It was as it was the day he was being assigned by megatron as he was assigned to be a leader of a small force of decepticon solders to cybertron. As he was assigned to set up a base of opperations in cybertron and to make a ground bridge so that the other decepticon forces would be able to return to cybertron. He accepted the assignment and he was with his crush as they arrived with a small army. It was not large but it was a start they go to find a location to start a base as they found a perfect place to do so and start the construction on it right away. And it was tough as there were resorces that were hard to get but He managed and made a base worthy being bult for the decepticons. He starts to have it more upgrades to the base as he feels it was not strong enough and not enough space for garrisons and defenses.

It has been a very long time but he has managed to expand the base at great levels of power and might as it is more powerful and defensable then the last. Megatron was very impressed by it once he arrived and he sees great potential in Ocdaxo and decided to have him. Commander and Chief of all forces of decepticons on cybertron. This made him very overjoyed as he has been very happy and now he is free to do what he wants and he knows that Megatron was pleased with him as well. He has started to create the base into a city as he makes it for those who wanted to live on cybertron as it has everything it has. And the decepticon civilians went there as they were happy to have some homes for themselves and are very loyal to Ocdaxo just like Megatron, but he is more different. He is cunning and is a strategist as he is able to make sure that his citizens would be treated equally and justfully. He build schools, hospitals and more to create more jobs and to bring prosperity within the city which he now called. Grovas. He has a decepticon milirtary acadamy built and have some officers in his command to be teachers and trainers of New generation of decepticon officers and generals. He has built a ship yard where ships can be landed and bult as he plans to have his own fleet created. Then he has a deception intelligence acadamy for potential spys of the decepticons as intel is very important for wars. Then he has commercial buildings and economic buildings built as they bring economy and more currency to the city as it has now a decepticon currency and a good enough money to be generated as well. Ocdaxo he is happy with his life he is married to his love of his life amandra as he feels very successful in his life he may be different but that is what it makes him different.

It has been for a while and his own territory is expanding far and wide as there are more cities and towns that are apart of the decepticons. But he has been popular by the people as he represents the people in every way. He even allows those who are nuetrual of the war live in the cities and live a good life. He has now 2 kids with his lovely wife and there names were kino and avaxe. He is now plotting to betray Megatron either try to overthrow him and rule the decepticons or cause a conflict within the decepticons that they split. He knows how to take advantage of greed as he is not greedy and has been loyal to Megatron. While in his private life. He has been orgenizing his forces and troops to be sure when the time is right. He and his forces will rise up as a new faction. He has been gathering intel from decepticons and autobots as he chooses which is worthy to keep and know. And which is worth to Megatron's importance. He sees that the decepticons will fall under Megatron's leadership and as a threat as well. He knows of what to expect and what to know he has learned very well from soundwave and shockwave and he uses what he learns to his advantage. He has his own spies gathering intel. And his forces moving around as they await a new order and he has been gathering support from other fellow decepticons or causing some infighting as he manipulates them on purpose. But he missed his father and his siblings as he cared for them very much. He hopes that one day the whole family can be reunited once more.

Password: bots vs cons

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