Ninjago oc

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Name: Quinserna

Gender: she

Age: 80,000

Species: snake/human

Element: darkness

Bio: she was a legendary snake as she was powerful with the element of darkness, she is known to create dark clones of snake warriors, but she was locked away into the tower of light, by the first master of spinjitzu. She was enraged and will have her revenge once she gets free. She curse the first master of spinjitzu that she will start her conquest of Ninjago if she was free. She then waits until the right time to get free as she was unable to do so as the tower of light makes it so that she cannot use her powers directly. She scheems and thinks of plans and possibilities of how to escape and how to conquer ninjago. She then learned how to see through the darkness of shadows, as she is able to see out of her prison without problem, so she began to practice it and practice how to speak through the shadows to manipulate events. And is able to see what her potential enemies where, but still she was unable to get out of her prison so she waits patiently until the time is right to escape.

She waits for yearsand by now she is about 30,000 years old, she has been managing to find ways to get out of her prison, and been manipulating all the events of ninjago that do not concern the ninja. She has finally escaped from the tower of light, and now she roams around the surface world looking for a place to rule to have her own civilization, to where she will start from there to all of ninjago. She slithers for a while acting in desguise thanks to her magic she is able to walk, and has a hallucination form of a female human as for her fake name. Emali. She has read books of ninjago and the history of it. And not a single one mentions of her and her great last stand before the first spinjitzu master, where she was locked up in the tower of light. This made her infuriated but also sees an opportunity as no one even knows her. And she can easily do things that were already done in her past. But one day while walking around a village she looked at herself at a lake. And sees a human face she jumped as she was frightened by this. She did not know that a human face would replace her own or was it an illousion. This made her question herself in where ever if she was a human that turned into a snake or just a snake that was born to hate humans, which made her a bit scared sensed she did not remember her past at all.

She continue on with her journey to find some sort of snake civilization for her to control and rule, as she is determind to not give up that easy. Until one day when she was useing a boat while sailing she sees 8 ships that had the banners of snakes and even a snake head at the front of the ships as well. She was shocked to find more snakes that wear armor and weapons, even have vhicles which surprised her. She was captured but released when she revealed her true form as to be a snake. She met with the captian of the fleet named. Gando. The leader of the poison raiders. They were seemed to be going to raid a coastal village destroy it and burn it down. Take humans as prisoners to turn them to slaves. And Take any riches such as technologies and all sorts of trinkets of loot and plungers. And where they were from an island of Vanaka. The homland to all of snakes with legs or tails. Where they thrive and were unknown to Ninjago. She decided to join them and it was amazing as she felt free and felt very good of it, even managed to even take more prisoners. But that would be more difficult as it would require her more thinking on the go and more rope to tie them down. But she managed to do so as she is in her cabin enjoying the life of a raider.

It was a long trip but she arrived at the island of vanaka and it was a beautiful snake home. Even snakes that were not humanoids were kept as pets. While there were socializing snakes and even humans with chains as they were forced to do hard labor. As there were some humans with. Green colored arm tag. Which made her very angry but then wounder why were there slaves and not slaves of humans. That she would have to find out once she meets the leader of the Island. She continues to walk to her new home barracks where it was very comfortable and even has one rooms as well, she had expected to be a plentiful beds being crowded. But this is something she did not expect, even she has her own room as she was amazed. She was then summoned to the command room where she meets the snake raider generals. Where they were very pleased of her presence. They said that she was seen as potential to become a great leader of an army, and she was seen time and time again as a great leader of an army. And she was enroled into milirtary strategic acadamy without any papers to sign.

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