chima oc 2

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Bason jikao

Species/tribe: Deer

Age: 30

Weapon: spear that is magical and has the powers of the forest chi.

Skin: his skin is green and blue as he has chi magic flowing through his tusks.

Powers: has the powers of the forests.

Family: kamo and wemo( deceased father and mother) vazano ( his wife)
Flaxvo ( his son) taxame ( 2nd son )
Pimina ( his daughter ) ikala ( 2nd daughter ) veizovi ( uncle )

Bio: he was a very young male deer, as he was 8 as he lived a peaceful life with his family as they live. They ate plants that were grown from the soil. As they lived in peace as they gained new forms when chi is now existing. Then a group of lions came into the homes of the deer, as there was cries as the Deer were scared as there homes were burned, and that lion warriors started to kill all the Deer that were living in peace. He was scared and is afriad as he does not know what to do. His parents told him to run so he did as he ran away without looking back. He ran to were his uncle lives as he ran he feels as if the forest is calling out to him. Then he arrived to uncle to see him doing something as if it was a ritual. His uncle sees him and brings him to his home as his uncle explains that the animal spirits have brought chi to there world. The chi were meant to be given to those that were meant to use it but have fallen into the wrong hands. He felt lost but then his uncle gave him a gift as it is a spear but it felt different. As he wielded the spear it shows chi magic as no one ever knows it, he was amazed by it and vowed that no herbivore, will never suffer by the carnivores ever again.

He was now 16 as he mastered chi magic. As he is now the leader of the dear tribe. They live in the great forest of life. But that was disturbed by hunters of all carnivores hunt in it. It is were the hunting grounds as it disturbed the great forest as they cut down it's trees. He decided the time is now as the herbivore tribes to act they cannot let the carnivore tribes to take advantage against them no longer. He puts on his cloak, that is like dark leaves and grass, as he has his spear at the ready as it is time for a crusade for the herbivore tribes. He leads the crusade with the other herbivore tribe leaders as they stand united.
They have seen outposts, and fancy tanks and weaponry like nothing before. But they have something that will be outclassing all of those combined. And that is magic chi. He and his crusader warriors charge into the enemies as they did not expect an attack. They slay there foes there tanks came up as lennox's father orders them to stand down. But Bason said " you showed us no mercy to our kind. We lived in peace until you disturbed it. Now you will pay for your actions" he said in a mighty voice. As he threw his spear at the tank behind lennox's father. It hit and, roots started to sprouting from the ground as it traps the tanks and, the lion forces as they were trapped. They were slain one by one. Until lennox's father is left, he is afraid of bason's powers, then go as they continue on there crusade. They did they have gained riches and wealth as well as chi orbs as they were victorious in there crusade.
They danced and cheered and celebration, happens as theu distributing there wealth and, weapons they gained from it. As he had his fun he meet eyes with a female deer that was beautiful, as leaves and trees. He had fallen in love as he wants to get to know her as her name vazano it made him more determined to win her heart.

He is now 20 years old. As he had married vazano and had kids with her. As there tribe thrived in it's ancient traditions and teachings of life. They see an armadillo tribe at the edge of the forest. They went and see that there are the armadillo tribe and paevo is the leader of them. He then felt an energy that conmects to an elemental chi. He then told paevo and those that followed him about elemental chi. As it can be in many elemental forms as it depens of the habitat of the surroundings. He then sees a root sprouting infront of him and an elemental forest chi appered infront of him. He picks it up and tries it as he feels the powers of the forests and has powers nothing before for a moment. He then made a good deal with the armadillo tribe that they will have trade.

He is now 28. As he lived with his tribe. He decided to lead a raid on the wolves and there homeland. He had a small force around 100 Rabbits. He then marched into wolf territories as he and his warriors raid and destroy the homes of the wolves but not the lives and families. He sees the previous chief before Worriz eyeing him down as if he was prey. He then summons roots underneath him and lifted it up into a tree as the chief is not stuck in a tree. As he said as he walks away from a trapped wolf chief" never mess with a deer if they are weak as they will strike back like a force of nature" he then lead the raids and it was a successfully ones.

He is now 30 year old as he leads his deer tribe. He shall fight for his people and comrades. As he will punish those who will dare to cut down the great forest of peace and life. As he is the might warrior of chi magic.


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