Mystery Skulls ocs

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Name: Benrold

Age:  30

Status: Dead

Species: Ghost

How they died: he died in a burning building, while Rescuing the Duchess

Bio: he was a blue knight in the medieval Era where in england he was protecting the Duchess as she represents the house of Blakara, he and the Duchess were in a building when it was suddenly on fire, they were seperated at that time so when the fire started, there was a scream, he rushed to where the Duchess was as he goes to rescue her, he managed to get her to safety in time, before the building collapsed ontop of him, killing him in the fire, it is said that he is a Ghost as he roams the world, protecting the Duchess's descendents from Generation to Generation, and Vivi is the great descendent of the Duchess. The only way for a descendent to summin him, this would have to posses the amulet. That has a shield with a snowflake symbol that is blue. Only those of the duchess's descendents can summon him.

Password: This time I might just disapered

Name: Relex

Age: 35

Status: Dead

Species: Ghost

How they died: she died in a battle

Bio: she was a very bold pirate, she has lead her own Red fleet in the carabian seas, she only does main opperations on islands as she attacks merchant fleets, and take many riches, faced danger many times before and battled on, on one battle she was killed during the fighting as her crew disbanded after her death, it is said that she became a Ghost as she goes on advantures for glory, as she was a ghost, she has encountered the mystery crew, and she believed she would love to tag along. Only way for anyone to summon her was of an amulet that she used to wear before her death. The amulet was of a red skull with a pirate hat, and two crossed pirate swords in the background.

Password: This time I might just disapered

Name: Yellko

Age: 30

Status: Dead

Species: Ghost

How they died: he was killed in a duel

Bio: he was an advanture in the west, he was known to do duals and to seek glory and fame, he was a quick draw and a skilled Knive user as he has throwing combat knives, he has many advantures in the wild west, he was in the forest one time to meet his supposed, enemy, he has to do a dual against his foe he was ready to fire the first shot, but something happened and that is that his opponet has shot him first and right to his heart where the silver star badge was at, he bearly has time to shoot against his killer with one shot and he has shot at his foe's shooting arm, he fall dead on the ground left to be behind, word tells it that he is now a ghost woundering around the world, looking for a skilled warrior to have a dual with as he was traveling, he sees a yellow van as he goes towards the van he sees his Descendent, Arthur, he is Descendent, he used to be married before the time of his death, and now he sees his Descendent for the first time as a ghost, he decided to tag along his descendent's advantures and protect him. He has a golden star as when he was a sherif, and when he was killed the golden star became the only part of him. And that those of his descendents would be able to summon him when nessecary.

Password: This time I might just disapered.

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