mid90s - sariano

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i miss this ship so much yall dont even kno😔😔 but i cant ship them but i keep thinking about them and i feel like a creep. i feel creepy. can i even say it like this? i feel creepy lol why does it sound so funny anyway i been feeling kinda down lately eheh and i try to update but i stop after like 15 min and i keep getting notifications and i feel bad for not updating HSHDHDHWJDHHSJDHJQK SO HERE YALL- IGUANAS omg i used to say that all the time HAHHAHAHA WTF

lol i have my aesthetic 5 min and felt like writing a skater oneshot lol in this theyre both bi and pan lol we stan hah

words count: almost 1,8k


and its 1 am skdmjdksjdkw (when i finished it was literally almost 3 am eye-)

samy pov

i was actually planning on staying at home for the next few weeks and just going out to skate but since anth didnt shut up about the pArtY i had to come.

we were walking on the sidewalk with our board in one and ice cream in the other hand. and if im being honest i think this is one of the best late summer nights ever. it wasnt that late but late enough to start getting dark.

and im happy to spend it with my best and tbh only friend. anthony is one of the nicest people i ever met. in a few weeks we start our last year of high school and it makes me sad to think about it.

look, he is kind of popular unless me. i mean have you seen him? he is so pretty and the way he acts around people is so sweet. im seriously jealous.

his style, his charakter or his looks are the best. he has great grades and he can move his hips u cannot change my mind mf.

but if you think i have a crush on him or something, your wrong. hes like a brother to me.

hes like the better brother yk what i mean. he gets all the cute girls, our parents love him and hes better in everything.


my names not sam. its samy.

"hmm?" i turned to at look him, his eyes were filled with happyness, his curls were a mess and his hands in his pocket.

"do you think we're gonna get wasted tonight. i kinda wanna but if you dont then its fin-"

i cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "no hahah i dont care really."

i smiled at him hoping hed do the same but of course he didnt and turned to face the floor.

i sighed before looking up again, seeing the sky has turned from yellow to a purpel color.

no clouts at all as always and the cars stopped filling the streets. the diners started to close and my ice started to melt. lmao i havent even noticed.

and when we finally arrived at the house everyone started greeting us. or him.

as always.

anthony bro hugged a few people and smiled at a few girls.

but its not that bad...at least they bro hugged me too.

"hey sam," why was everyone saying my name like this? its still samy not sam.

"yea?" i asked and turned to the familiar voice.

"can i borrow you board for a minute? i wanna try something. "

of course he only talked to me because he needed something. it happens all the time.

"now? but we're insid-"

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