Bad boy - Janthony

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Anthony got beaten up and Jaden took him to his house
Words count: 526
Saturday - 10:12 pm

Anthony felt numb.

He was laying on the cold floor feeling every single punch while 3 boys beat the shit out of him.

But to be honest he deserved it after every fucked up thing he'd done; stealing, lying, selling drugs, getting arrested, threatening and much more.

He was the kind of person you parents told you to stay away from.

But after all his looks were fucking hot. Everything in dark colors and chains everywhere.

Just one week ago he stole a few cigarettes from a store which belonged to his friends parents.

So now he's getting the payback.

Felling every single punch and every single kick while tasting his own blood.

It hurt but only for a second and stopped right after. It repeated itself, again and again.

He tried to control his breath and it didn't fucking work.

Maybe he was just dreaming. Just a few hours before he was laying in his cold bed and maybe he still was.

„Alright boys."

Everything stopped.

The pain was completely gone and he took a deep breath.

„I think he learned his lesson."

Anthony kept his eyes closed and heard footsteps slowly fading into silence.

He laid there for a few more minutes not daring to move.

(Sorry about it but what do you think about gretha thunberg or whatever her name is? Like everyone is making fun of her lmao)

"Hello?" Anthony finally opened his eyes wide enough to see a boy walking down the street.

I hate to say it i hope i don't sound ridiculous I don't know who this man is. I mean he could be walking down the street and i wouldn't— i wouldn't know a thing.

"Are you alright?"

Anthony groaned and tried to sit up, flinching as the pain hit him one more time.

„Why would you care." he replied without even looking at the boy who stood a few feet away from him.

"Because you look dead as fuck."

Anthony frowned and slowly turned to the boy, staring up into the unknown blue-greenish eyes.

His dark curls made the boys skin look pale.

"I don't even know who you are." HAHAHHAHAHA I HAD TO AHJSJSJSJFKSJSDS

"So you expect me to let you die out here getting killed by my cousin?"

Anthony's eyes widened. "Your what?"

"Dosent matter." the still unknown boy sighed and grabbed Anthony, pulling him up.

Anthony groaned in pain but let the boy do it anyway.

He wrapped one arm around the boy's shoulder, keeping his head down, while the boy wrapped one arm around Anthony's waist.

Anthony groaned and limped but tried to ignore the pain running through his body.

After a few minutes of walking they reached a dark house. The lights were off in the whole house.

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