Attention - Choen

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Idea from @/supremeynw
Chase annoys Noen for attention.
Words count: 529
Idk idc - 4:37 pm

Lights-out tour

Chase was staring at Noen,who was sitting across from him, thinking of different ways to annoy him. He really liked the attention Noen gave him sometimes and hated it when he ignored him.

"Dude, why are you staring at him again?" Jaden asked in a quiet voice.

"What do you mean? I'm not staring." Chase answered, turning around and seeing Kevin looking at him with a 'wtf are you doing' kind of expression.

Chase blushed and leaned back. He looked down and tried to avoid any other conversations.

And while he was doing that, he lightly kicked Noen under the table.

Noen immediately turned to him and looked him in the eyes. They held the eye contact for a few seconds till Noen kicked back.

Chase jumped but kicked him again.

"Guys," Anthony turned to them. "Could you please be quiet? You know if we disturb the other one more time we're getting kicked out. Just wait a few more minutes or go to your hotel roo—."

And before Anthony finished both Chase and Noen got up and ran to the stairs. Chase was faster which caused Noen to CHASE him. (aHAHA yk i just wanted to—)

"Slow down." Noen stopped and took a few deep breaths.

"Oh c'mon, you dick."

Noen looked at him and frowned. „Fuck you."

„Ahww, I'm actually hurt." Chase turned back and started running up the stairs again.

"Oh my g— Chase wait!" Noen tried to run faster and almost got him but tripped.

"Ahgg—," Chase didn't stop but turned around and started laughing.

"Did baby Noen hurt himself?", chase never went to oovoo javer. „Get up or I'm going to eat your Doritos."  (sorry lmao i already hate this story so much i have to add vines)

„Bitch—", JORGE JUAN GARAY DICENTA— "Noooooo, wait please I bought them for the movie night." Noen yelled and got up.

He ran around the corner but Chase already opened the door and started to take of his shoes. Just when Noen reached the door Chase wanted to close it right in front of his face but failed and Noen slipped in. 

„Hah! Try me, bitc—" before Noen could finish the sentence he was tickled on the sides. He started to wriggle and before he knew it he was laying underneath Chase.

„Ch-chase pleas— stOP!" He was almost going to cry cry. „Please s— AHHGG I HATE YOU! ST-STOP!" he gripped Chases arm, pushed him off him and got on top of Chase. He grinned at Chase while Chases breath hitched and his eyes widened.

"You're strong." Chase whispered. He didn't know why he was whispering but he liked the idea of Noen topping him. He always thought he was a top and don't get him wrong he isn't the type of guy who jerks off every night thinking about his best friend.

Noen on the other hand wasn't nervous at all he just slammed his lips into Chases. (that's what everyone's saying like in every fanfic right??!:&@/&)

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