Shop - Janthony

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Anthony gets threatened like nothing and Jaden can't stand it anymore.
Words count: 438***
Friday - 9:53 pm
Just like everyday, Jaden walked down the street to the little shop. A boy the same age as Jaden worked there who gets yelled at the whole time.

He knew him from school, a boy who always sits by himself. He has straight brown hair and is the most beautiful person Jaden ever laid an eye on.

They have art class together but that's all they have in common. Jaden is popular and gets all the hot girls and guys, while the boy named Anthony gets beaten up every lunch break.

Anthony is skinny and not able to fight back.

Anthony never did anything wrong, that's why Jaden didn't understand why everyone hated him. He was too pure to be treated like that.

Jaden would never read a book. But Anthony on the other hand is always reading. Everywhere he goes, he carries at least one book and it's a different book every week.

It's kind if obvious Anthony likes it more at the library than at home or in school.

He also hates the silence. That's why he's always listening to music. Weird combination, right?

He's always wearing long sleeves, even if it's summer. His legs are so thin that Jaden wondered why he hadn't broken them already.

He hated seeing him like that, eyes red and trembling after lunch in the back of the class. But he hated himself more for not going over and helping him.

Jaden walked in and looked around, pretending looking for something.

Anthony's head shot up as he heard the bell ring and relaxed when he saw it was Jaden. They never had a real conversation but it didn't matter.

He's also hot and Anthony wondered why he was walking all the way through the town just to shop in this little store.

Anthony also noticed the little things about Jaden. Things that probably no one ever noticed.

He adored him for wearing black nail polish and being proud of himself. Jaden has nothing to hide about his body, he's beautiful.

Jaden noticed Anthony staring and turned around, causing Anthony to blush and lowering his head. He was reading, again.

At least pretending he was.

Jaden found everything he needed and walked over to Anthony.

Anthony looked him in the eyes and narrowed his eyebrows.

Jaden looked at him confused. "What is it?" He asked.

"Why are you walking all the way just to buy chocolate?"

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