hector x yewsif

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I deleted this one but like its actually not that bad lmao

Attention please: i just had a mental breakdown so its going to be kinda creepy but i actually like this but without the whole on crack things

IMPORTANT: this means yewsifs pov ig and this means flashback
Words count: 980

Yewsifs eyes shot open when he heard his phone ring. He tried to move but a sudden pain shot up his jelly bean bag ass.

He groaned and turned a little bit while he tried not to scream. He looked around the room and noticed it wasnt even his.

Suddenly a strong pair of hands pulled him closer causing him to stopped and gasped quietly.

What the fuck...stop playing what the fuck what the fuck AHHHHHH

He looked down and noticed he wasnt even wearing his own clothes. The shirt and the boxers were like 2 sizes bigger and he wasnt wearing any socks. (👀)

He didnt move for a few seconds trying to catch his breath and turned so he was laying on his back while slowly leaning against his elbow.

Their hand was under yewsifs shirt (well...not yewsifs shirt) and he turned to the boy who was next to him.

"Hector?" he gasped and tried to sat up. "What th-" he interrupted himself by groaning and laid back down.

"Fuck man," he sighed. "what happened last night?"

Hector chuckled teasingly.

"Wha-" Yewsifs eyes widened and he looked away panicing.

Fuck fuck fuck-

"i think i need to go..." he said before trying to get up.

"Nooo...." hector groaned while reaching out for yewsif. "Your so warm."

He only rolled his eyes and pushed the covers off his body trying to ignore the pain.

He stood up and immadietly sat back down. "Fuuuck..."

"You look good in my clothes..."

"Shut up hector."

While yewsif straightened his back and stood up again hector watched him closely.

Yewsif just pulled on his pants and hoodie not wanting to get naked in front of hector for the second time and left.


The whole day at school yewsif ignored Hector. Hector tried to talk to him and apogize for his behavior this morning but yewsif just walked past him acting as if he was invisible.

The funniest thing is everyone out of the friend group knew hector was gay but nobody knew yewsif was questioning his sexuallity and he tried to keep it that way.

They would never judge him or hate him but he didnt want to risk being shipped with hector.

For example Mar and Samy made out once and after it came out nobody would shut up about them secretly having a relationship or being fuck buddies.

Mattia and alejandro always teased them and it made mar and samy so fucking awkward. And they still joke about it even if it happened like 10 months ago.

And after hector outed himself as bisexual at first everyone shipped him with yewsif because theyve known each other the longest.

Later on they decided to lock them inside a classroom and even tho nothing happened except for an awkward conversation they still were convinced yewsif was secretly gay or bi.

So yewsif could never even image talking about this topic with them.

"Yewsif?" He heard samy whisper. "Are you alright you look angry."

Yewsifs eyes softened and he look at samy. "What no im fine." He fake smiled.

"Are you sure? Im worried about you."

"No samy im fine thank you and theres nothing to worry about i promise." He answered and samy nodded before looking away.

They were in algebra right now but yewsif just couldnt focus. He zoomed out the whole time and didnt take any notes.


What the....
Yewsif turned to hector only to find him already staring at him.


Yewsif frowned.


Shut up
He didnt break the eye contact.


Hectors smile turned into a smirk.


Please just stop
His frown turns into a angry expession.


"Youve got to be kidding me." He whispered before slamming his hand on the table and getting up. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and walked out of classroo ignoring the teachers protests.

Without realizing that hector followed him he walked into the bathroom and leaned against the sink.

"For fucks sake what the hell are you doing yewsif." He groaned.

He looked in the mirror staring at the hickey on his collarbone and let out a angry scream before tossing his bag on the floor.

He jumped when the door opened and looked in the mirror seeing no other than hector.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He turned around facing him.

"Yewsif....are you alright?"

And thats when yewsif lost his shit.

Like his shit literally dissappeared.  :'(

Jk jk


Me rn

Big boobs um anyway

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Big boobs um anyway

Yewsif grabbed the sink and leaned against it trying to hold himself up while sobbing. (Me in the shower)

Hector sighed and pulled him into a hug yewsif returning it.

"You fucking drive me crazy hector."

"Im sorry." He held the trembling boy closer and felt yewsif relax.

They hugged for what felt like hours and pulled away. Hector wiped the tears with his sleeves and looked at him.

Yewsif smiled softly and hugged him one last time.

Even after the whole drama they were still best friends and they couldn't without each other.

Yewsif took a deep breathe and pulled away leaning against the sink.

He looked up his smile slowly fading.

And then he kissed hector.

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