Hurt - Choen

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After Chase got cheated on he got sick. He always blamed it on himself and thought nobody wanted him because he was 'ugly' and 'fat'. He lost all his weight and stopped showing his skin. Until he hooked up with a guy named Noen at his friends party.

Words count: 1395
Friday - 10:03 pm

Chase just arrived at the party he was exited for the whole week.

Jaden was 18 now.

He was planning on losing his virginity today still not knowing to who but Chase knew it was Anthony.

It was obvious how hurt Ant looked when Jaden told him that he wanted to get wasted and fuck the first person who flirts with him, he didn't care if it was a girl or a guy.

And Jaden had a crush on Ant ever since they've met so chase doesn't really sees his point.

While Chase on the other hand wasn't planning on getting fucked.

He wore a typical eboy outfit; a big black hoodie with some weird ass quote on it and black pants with chains around it and his neck.

He always dressed like this except for summer when he wears a shirt and shorts.

He never shows more than that.

And the last time we went to a pool party was about 3 years ago.

Chase listened to the loud music and walked around the house searching for Jaden. His house was big which obviously meant half of the school was there.

His thoughts were interrupted by a boy who accidentally bumped into Chase and spilled his whole drink all over him. Chase gasped and looked at the boy.

He didn't recognized him at all. Lmao

"Oh my fucking—," the boy looked at Chases hoodie. "I'm so fucking sorry i didn't see you and why are you standing next to the stairs? Let's go upstairs and let me fix it. Oh my god I feel so bad right now."

"Ugh, no— i can do it myself." Chase fake smiled and looked at the blond boy with dyed hair who was the same height as Chase.

"nO shut up and follow me upstairs." The boy said taking Chase wrist and leading him to the bathroom upstairs.

Chase signed and did as told, awkwardly looking around. Jaden was probably in the pool outside.

After a few seconds the boy opened the bathroom door and walked in.

Thank god nobody was in there.

"Alright, what's your name?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Why not."


"Chase.", the boy looked him up and down. Chase looked lowered his head and began to blush awkwardly. "Ok, take off your hoodie."

Chase didn't move. He was way too embarrassed.

"Please.", The boy added. "I want to make it up to you i feel really bad for ruining your hoodie."

Chase signed lightly not fighting against the still unknown boy and took it off, handing it over and covering his stomach.

The boy took it and gasped quietly. He stared at Chase with wide eyes. "Wow, I—".

Chase blushed even more. He hated the attention people gave him when they saw him without clothes. (yk what i mean lmao NO HOMO he's still our innocent gay boii— ahahaaaa, skinny penis—)

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