What followed the fall...

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Thirty years later...

In an impoverished street of Musutafu, a 15-year-old boy named Shihiro Atara went out of his poor house.

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He had a tattoo of a black Q in his right arm, which he tried to cover using his long sleeves. As he went out, his mother called him out.

Ms.Atara: Son, are you sure you want to go out of the ghetto again?

Shihiro: Yes, mom! It may be our only way to get food! I will bring food to you tonight, I promise!

He gave her mother his brightest smiles.

Ms.Atara: Okay, son, but be careful!

Shihiro waved and began to run.

Ms.Atara: Remember if you see the Military Police then-

Shihiro: Get out of there! I know!

Shihiro began to run through the city; he wanted to find a new bakery to buy the bread he desperately needed to feed his mother. He ran through the town for an entire hour. At last, he found a bakery he hadn't been to before. He entered and chose the bread. As he was about to pay for the bread, the clerk asked him a question.

Clerk: Hey, kid, let me see your arm.

Shihiro showed him his left arm. The clerk rose an eyebrow and took his right arm and upped his sleeves, seeing the black Q tattoo in his arm. The clerk widened his eyes.

Clerk: Get out of my store! Take your money and don't ever come back! Run before I call the Military Police!

Shihiro ran out of there as fast as he could. After 15 minutes, he then encountered someone he really didn't want to...

Rog: Hey, boys! Look who we have here, the scum of society!

Lackey 1: Oh?

Lackey 2: You shouldn't be here!

Rog Nayaro, quirk: Diamond Fists

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Rog Nayaro, quirk: Diamond Fists...

Shihiro: Hey, Rog...

Rog: Don't hey me, bastard! What are you doing here?! This place is just for humans!

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