Operation Megalo

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The airhorns blew, the race had begun. Everyone was doing their best trying to get the lead, but there was someone who they just couldn't beat. Izumi was in the first place, using One for All to 18%, her new limit while using Electro to its fullest. She breezed through the first stage, destroying the Zero-pointers like it was nothing. When Izumi reached the second stage, Izumi simply did a long jump to prevent falling to the abyss they had dug. At the last step, the minefield, she ran so fast that the mines didn't react quickly enough to explode on her. Needless to say, she was first. One by one, the other competitors started reaching the finishing line, until the last one arrived, but only the first 42 would advance. The next trial was a cavalry battle; she was able to team up with Shota, Uraraka, and Mei Hatsume. Everyone was excited; the first-year students were giving so much that nobody wanted to miss anything, but they were ignorant of the danger lurking above them.

Center of Tokyo.

The HPSC was currently on a meeting discussing how to deal with the League of Villains. The chief of the HPSC was Subara Shirei, he was a seasoned police commander. He has worked hard to root out villain organizations from Japan. They were on a heated debate on how to proceed. Still, as they were reaching a conclusion, the civilians outside the building began screaming and scattering. Some went to see through the window what was happening, and what they saw horrified them. Outside there was a portal of black mist. A woman emerged along with a giant bird, and also a figure made of smoke.


Subara: Quick sound the alarms, alert the hero agencies, and the police force!

Random Officer 2: The communications are not working, nor are the alarms!

Subara: Then fix them!

Meanwhile outside...

Nana: HAHAHAHA, let's see if your plan works, eh Izuku.

At that moment, police forces stepped out the building along with 3 pro heroes, but they were low tier ones.

Nana: I am going to have fun! NOMU!

At that moment, Nomu dashed towards the HPSC defenses, smashing his way through the lines of the police, the pros tried to fight the creature, but they were no match.

Bodies flew all over the place, blood stained the walls. Nomu did not have mercy.

Nana: Nomu, bring me this man - as he showed him a photo of Subara.

Nomu went through the building, eliminating any resistance. The building was on fire. The remaining officers of the HPSC were hiding inside a safe room; they were in a panic, they had repaired the alarms, but there was no guarantee they would be saved in time. At that moment, they heard steps of what could only be a beast; they were coming closer and closer.

R.O: If that beast massacred, it was towards here then... What use do these guns have?!

Subara: Calm down, if we go down, we go down with honor, fighting to the last bullet!

At that moment, Nomu busted out of the door.

Subara: OPEN FIRE!

The sound of guns being fired was heard all over the building as the officers made their last stand. Nomu eyed them all carefully while taking all the bullets, which didn't damage him. When he finished observing them all, the officers also ran out of ammunition, and that is when Nomu attacked. He smacked the ones who were closest to him to the ground. Meanwhile, the other officers in one las attempt threw themselves at Nomu trying to contain him; some even tried using their quirks but no avail. Nomu squashed them one by one until only a semi-conscious Subara remained. Nomu grabbed him by the head and headed outside were Nana waited for him.

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