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The heroes had been moving, their new operation was about to begin. They scouted each place related to the Shie Hassaikai until only Overhaul's house was left unchecked; Eri must be in there, the battle was about to begin...

At Dark Phoenix's lab...

Dark Phoenix was walking into the testing chambers; as he opened the door, a blast happened at the other side. Dark Phoenix entered, he saw a destroyed wall at the end and Bijon who was incrusted into the wall.

D.P: Tell me, what happened? Did it work?

Bijon: Still needs a few regulators, but don't worry, it will be done in no time.

D.P: Good, the time is approaching.

With the heroes...

The police and the heroes had assembled outside the Shie Hassaikai's base; they were ready to initiate the strike when suddenly the doors busted open.

Katsukame: What is your business with us?!

A giant man appeared out of the door and started attacking the police. Izumi and the heroes managed to get the police officers out of the way. Ryukyu transformed into battle Katsukame. She managed to hold him still.

Ryukyu: Don't worry! The Ryukyu agency will hold him, the rest, Go Go!

Nejire: Let's help her!

Shota, Tsuyu and Uraraka: Yes!

Sir: Come on. Let's go!

The heroes continued their advance into the house.

Deep down the Shie Hassaikai's base...

Overhaul: It looks like it is going to get noisy.

Chronostasis: Looks like it. Time to get out of here, Overhaul.

Overhaul: Yes, take Eri, let's move.

Back at the surface...

The heroes disposed of the lower ranks of the Shie Hassaikai, Centipede and Bubble Girl stayed behind securing the area and many of the heroes. The leading group pressed forwards and entered the underground facilities, but they encountered a wall.

Rock Lock: A dead-end?!

Mirio: Let me see.

Mirio activated his quirk and was able to look through the wall, realizing it was not a dead end.

Mirio: There is a hall still on the other side, although the wall is quite thick.

Izumi and Kirishima didn't waste time and busted right through the wall.

The grouped went forward.

Mimic, seeing things unfold, used a quirk enhancing drug and took control of the walls, deforming them at his will, making the heroes' advance slower.

Mirio: Time is of the essence, they want to buy time, I will go forwards!

Mirio activated his quirk and went on the chase. Mimic divided the group in two, leaving most of the police up. At the same time, the heroes and the remaining officers fell down.

Toya: Wow! Heroes fall from the sky nowadays!

Yu: What a surprise!

Tabe: Eat the heroes!

The heroes looked up to see three Yakuza standing in front of them.
Toya pointed his sword at them.

Toya: You will meet your demise, heroes!

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now