Threats from the past

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Japan was in crisis, Hosu was destroyed, the buildings were engulfed in flames, and the streets were dyed in blood. It was a disaster. News spread about the attack. Its effects included: the destruction of the ministry of heroes, and the death of its minister, the destruction of Hosu Heroics, which killed120 students and 4 teachers, and 150,000 dead along 400,000 injured. With the collapse of the Ministry of Heroics, the Ministry of Defense took over to coordinate the Heroes and the Police Force, for the time being. A curfew was established nation-wide that was in effect from 8pm to 6am. The most important cities, such as Tokyo, Musutafu, Osaka, and Yokohama, were placed under Martial Law. A state of emergency was declared. The League of Villains was now an official terrorist organization and militant group by UN standards.

The Heroes were shaken; this was the worst disaster they had suffered in their entire history. There was public outrage against the incompetence of the heroes, public faith in them was decreasing by the day. The League has killed over 30 heroes since they began their activities, the hero ranks were dropping. Many hero course students have started to drop out in fear for their lives, but there is one group that resists. Izumi, Tenya, and the Todorokis were now in a hospital room in Kyoto; the one in Hosu was burnt down. They were distressed; they had seen first hand what the League is capable of now.

Izumi: I can't believe it has come to this - she said while holding a newspaper that described all the damage done by the League in Hosu.

Tenya: Izumi...

Izumi looked up to see Tenya with an angry face. Tenya then grabbed Izumi by her shirt and pushed her against the wall.

Tenya: This is all your fault! All of this! If only you had treated your brother better, you idiot! Now, all those people died, my brother was attacked on the orders of Phoenix, and it's your fault!

Shoto: That's enough!

Shoto grabbed Tenya, pushing him away from Izumi.

Izumi: Tenya, I am sorry... - she said while crying.

Shoto: Don't apologize; its not your fault! You couldn't predict this would happen, so don't apologize.

Tenya: You are still the reason everything that is going on right now is happening.

Shota: Stop it!

The three of them turned to see Shota.

Shota: Cant you see what is happening? This is what he wants; he wants to divide us and then conquer us. We have to stay united; fighting between us will only weaken us. Right now, it's not the moment to point fingers and say who is responsible for what; right now, its the moment to fix our mistakes and bring Izuku to the light.

This calmed down all of them.

Tenya: Can he really be brought back? And even if he is got back, he is still a criminal, a murderer.

Izumi: I know that is not Izuku; the villains must have done something to him.

Shota: I know the kind, and loving Izuku is still there somewhere behind that mask; I know we can talk him out of this madness.

Shoto: You say that just because you like him and want to talk to him again.

Shota got red from that comment.

Shota: Shoto!!

Izumi: I know he can be brought back Shoto; whatever the villains did, it can be reversed.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora