New King

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The battle with the Yakuza was over, but could the heroes count this as a victory. Sir Nighteye and Mirio were carried into a nearby hospital. Mirio didn't make it for too long; the damage was too much. He passed a few hours after the battle, Sir died the next day. The heroes had lost two of their greatest assets, and what could they account for it? They didn't even rescue Eri. They dismantled the Shie Hassaikai sure but was it all worth it? Overhaul was found dead later, where Izumi had thrown him into. Still, not of his battle wounds, but by having his stomach pierced, reports say he was also shot with a quirk erasing bullet, so he must have confronted someone.

Japan was shaken, the official news reported the appearance of Bijon Sen, a recognized League of Villains' field commander, the League was operating once again. Those who supported the League, which were suppressed, started to make themselves heard once again. The heroes went on full alert to try and track down the League, even the military got involved. The state of emergency was declared once again; they wouldn't take their chances.

At the Musutafu Hospital

Izumi lay in her bed, the others in the raid are with her, even Kirishima joined, they knew she would probably get depressed.

Izumi: Guys... I'm-

Shota: Cut it, we don't want to hear it, it isn't your fault; we couldn't predict if the League was going to be there, or what would they do.

Kirishima: She is right, you were incredible by the way! Such power! If it weren't for you, we probably wouldn't even have beaten Overhaul!

Izumi: So much power yet... I couldn't save anyone.

Toshinori: Sometimes, you have to come into terms that you can't save everyone.

They all turned to see All Might standing by the door.

Izumi: Dad...

Toshi: We have all this power, but we are not gods, Izumi, we can't do everything. It took me a while to realize, but still, I know it is hard.

Uraraka: How did you overcome it, All Might-sensei?

Toshinori turned to look at her daughter.

Toshi: I understood that getting sad would only prevent me from saving more people, that it would get in the way. I still do regret their deaths, and there is no day in which I don't think that if maybe I had done something different, I would have saved someone, but what is done, it's done. You can either get depressed and fall behind, or let that motivate you to do better. Do you think Nighteye and Mirio would let you sit around being sad?

Izumi: No...

Toshi: Then stop doing it! Wake up! There is still much to do. You have done well, my girl, I assure you it will all be fixed.

Toshinori hugged his daughter, while the Tsuyu, Uraraka, Shota, and Kirishima could only smile at the image. Also, at the thought of a world where everything was fixed, a world where Dark Phoenix isn't a villain, a world where everything was right, but could a world like that indeed exist? They could only help but wonder about the possibility.

At the LOV's headquarters...

Izuku had taken his time to remodel All for One's old lab into his main H.Q.s and private research facilities. They were now beginning to produce weapons of his own authority that would help tip the balance.

Dark Phoenix had removed all obstacles in his path to power. However, there was still one significant threat that could oppose him, one danger that could make everything he had done come crashing down on him if so that person wished to. Dark Phoenix couldn't stand by it; he would make sure nobody would oppose him. It's been a while since he hacked into the government software, but now he needed it more than anything. After a few hours, he had finally found what he was searching for.

D.P: Deku, I need you to take control of these security protocols, and I need you also to deactivate them.

Deku: On it, Sir, may I ask why?

Dark Phoenix grabbed his sword and stood up.

D.P: Time to pay a visit to the old man...

In Tartarus...

All for One was sitting quietly on his cell, thinking about the past, what more could he do? He suddenly heard faint shouts and cries of pain at the other side of his cell. Maybe an inmate was trying to escape, what a poor soul he thought. Suddenly the screams stopped. Maybe they caught him? Suddenly the door busted open as the body of a guard went flying into the cell. All for One looked up to see none other then Izuku to be standing right in front of him, cleaning his sword.

AFO: A sword? That is not very likely for you to be using one.

D.P: It is best to stay as silent as possible; a gun or a blast would have been too noisy, besides Stain taught me to use them, I would instead use that knowledge actually.

AFO: Always in search of more knowledge, I see.

Dark Phoenix: Indeed, there is no limit on how much knowledge we can get, nor there is a limit on how we can apply that knowledge. How have you been, old man?

AFO: As good as I can be, but I take it you are not here to just ask how I have been, tell me, are you gonna release me?

Dark Phoenix stared at AFO and then burst into laughter.

D.P: Tell me, why would I ever want to release the only possible menace to my plans?

AFO: And what are your plans?

D.P: The complete erasure of quirks from this world, and you, my old pal, are the only ones who could possibly stand against me if so you wanted. You are my loose end.

AFO: So now you have come to tie that end, haven't you?

D.P: Indeed.

This time it was All for One's turn to burst into laughter.

AFO: Oh, how much you have grown, guess it was inevitable. I suppose the time has come for the young prince to take the throne.

Dark Phoenix stood right in front of All for One.

D.P: Any last words?

AFO: None

D.P: I thought you always liked to have the last word.

AFO: That was when I was King.

At that moment, Dark Phoenix stabbed All for One right through the chest.

D.P: The king is dead.

AFO: Long live... The King...

Dark Phoenix stepped back from the dying All for One, leaving the sword implanted on him.

AFO: Good luck... My son...

D.P: Thanks..... Dad......

That is when a few guards busted into All for One's cell, pointing their guns at Dark Phoenix.

D.P: Well, that is my cue to leave.

Dark Phoenix activated his arm and unleashed a giant energy blast on the guards, obliterating them. He then opened a portal and stepped in. Now it was official, the time has come to hail the new king.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now