Vanguard Action Squad

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Nana was returning to the bar after her encounter with Izumi. She had been analyzing everything Izumi told her, and she knew she was right. Nana may be the head of the League, but Izuku was the one who commanded it, he was the one who appointed the field commanders, and he was the one giving them orders. That has to change. She needed troops of her own, an elite group of soldiers. She entered the hideout and saw Kurogiri behind the counter.

Nana: Kurogiri, I have a request.

Kurogiri: What could that be?

Nana: Contact Giran, and bring him here.

Kurogiri: Okay, then, I will be right back.

At that moment, Kurogiri disappeared. Nana went to sit on a chair, but then a voice spooked her.

All for One: May I know why you need Giran, Nana?

Nana turned to the small tv on the back.

Nana: Sensei, I want to recruit a group of elites, one that only I can order. I want to use them to strike in my name.

All for One: Farewell, it will help with your development as a leader, I approve.

Nana: Thank you, sensei.

Nana then kept waiting for Kurogiri to arrive; after 15 minutes, he came back along with Giran.

Giran: Hello there, Nana, what can I dofor you?

Nana: Giran, I need you to recruit the best villains you can find. I want an elite unit of troops; I believe you can do it.

Giran: You bet, we will set the price later as usual. I will be right back, now if you excuse me.

Nana: Right, Kurogiri.

At that moment, Kurogiri and Giran teleported away from the bar.

Izuku: May I know what was going on here?

Nana: Nothing your business, but you will know soon enough, trust me.

Izuku: If you say so.

Nana: What have you been up to?

Izuku: Improving my arm, that encounter with Titan left a bad taste in my mouth, she could have crushed me there if she wanted to, but I won't let that happen again. Now, if you excuse me.

Nana: Wait.... stay.... - she said softly.

Izuku: You said something?

Nana: N-no, it was nothing.

Izuku: If you say so.

Izuku walked away to his room, leaving Nana behind.

Nana: 'Why... Why do I have to feel like this.'

Meanwhile, at UA.

Nezu and All Might were speaking in a private room.

All Might: I can't believe that witch came into contact and almost killed my daughter.

Nezu: Now now All Might, stay calm, remember our plan, I can almost say that after this encounter, they will attack the ceremony.

All Might: And when they do, we capture them, and then go after All for One.

Nezu: Yes, now go get ready, we are leaving in 10 minutes!
All Might: Y-yes, sir!

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