Calm before the storm

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Izumi was really nervous, it was her first day of school, she quickly dressed into her UA uniform, took her stuff and began to make her way to UA. She stopped by the Todoroki's house and waited for the dual-haired twins to come out. After 5 minutes, they came out, and they looked at Izumi with smiles on their faces.

Izumi: Ready?

Both of them: Ready!

The three of them made their way to UA while talking between them, but as they were talking a certain boy was having peculiar thoughts about Izumi.

Shoto: 'She looks pretty in that uniform.'

Finally, after taking the train, they arrived at UA. They quickly began to search for their class, and after a good ten minutes of searching, they came.

Izumi: 'Destiny here I come.'

Izumi opened the door, but the image she saw was not what she imagined, Katsumi was asleep on her desk. Meanwhile, Katsuki was fighting over with the blue-haired teen who yelled at Izumi in the exam.

???: You shouldn't put your feet up in your desk it is disrespectful to the upperclassmen who sat in them and to the people who made them!

Katsuki: Huh? What is wrong with you, you are not my boss, did the school you went to put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?

???: *sigh* let's start over, I am Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy.

Katsuki: Somei, huh? So you must think you are better than me! I am

going to have a fun time crushing you!

Tenya: Crush me? Are you sure you are in the correct place?

That is when they both saw the two girls, Shoto had already left to find a seat, staring at them. That is when Tenya made his way to them.

Tenya: Hi! I am Tenya Iida from-

Izumi: Somei yeah I heard - she said while she chuckled - I am Izumi Yagi.

Shota: I am Shota Todoroki.

Tenya: Nice to meet you both, Yagi-san, I am sorry to have misjudged you during the exam. I must have known you only had the best intentions.

Izumi: Don't sweat it, everyone makes mistakes - she said with her smile.

Everyone couldn't help but think the same when they saw Izumi's smile.

Everyone else: So bright.'

That is when Izumi heard a voice she recognized.

???: You are the girl who saved me and one-shotted that robot! Izumi right?

That is when Izumi turned around and saw Ochaco.

Izumi: Yes, and you are Ochaco, right? It was nothing, and I also wanted to thank you for helping me first.

???: If you are here to make friends you better leave.

A lifeless voice spooked everyone in the classroom, including Katsumi who apparently wasn't completely asleep. Izumi, Shota, Tenya and Ochaco turned around to see a yellow caterpillar with a man inside.

The 4 of them: 'Something has arrived.'

???: It took you 8 seconds to be silent, rational students would know time is of the essence.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora