Chapter 20 - Painfully And Cruelly

Start from the beginning

Once William is finished with him for today. Petro and Laz will perform surgery. Every day Robert will wake up to a body part amputated. Today it will be his genitals. Leaving behind my father, uncles, and our two surgeons, Capos, the rest of us headed out to deal with the assassins. Tommy has been itching impatiently, waiting for this moment.

As the car comes to a stop in a metal scraping junkyard. I slide out and takes steps around towards Tommy. This place is a cemetery of old vehicles. Crushed, they are stacked on top of each other. Tommy's body tremors with rage at the sight of his two traitorous men as they lay in the back of a van. My younger brother, just like any other Morelli, has an explosive temper. Only it doesn't surface as often, and his preferred method of death is a shot to the head. He doesn't share my creativity.

Although there have been many traitors in the past and he has eliminated them. None of those men were his exclusive crew. Tommy takes heavy steps towards Amir, Jamal, and Massimo. His breathing is heated, and his voice soars as he speaks, "The three of you, pay attention!" Darting his eyes between the three assassins, he emphasizes ferociously, "Betray me. Betray my fucking family, and I will end you. Painfully and cruelly. Am I clear, boys?" All three men nod, unfazed. Not an ounce of fear is visible. They are either loyal or stupid. "Fuck me over, and what happens here today will be nothing compared to what you three will face. Now get those cunts out of the van." Tommy is raging and frothing as he speaks.

Through his unbuttoned shirt, his redden chest is visible. He savagely burns with fury as his hands ball into fists, his jaw clenches. Those malicious eyes stay focused on the two brothers. Leon, Alex, and the three assassins drag the two out by the ankles.

Although they're restrained, all five boys hold them down. They are skilled assassins, after all. Both their head hang low, and they are slowly gaining consciousness. Tommy cracks his neck as his anger accelerates. Taking menacing steps towards the two, his fists repeatedly meet their faces as he switches from one man to the other. An animalistic roar escapes him as his body tremors with the rage exploding. It's the first time I have seen my youngest brother in such a feral state. I'm impressed!

With split cheeks and busted noses, the brothers groan in pain. They are disorientated and unable to open their eyes yet alone speak. The boys force the men up onto their knees. Slightly pulling up his pants, Tommy crouches down in front of them. "I'm rectifying a mistake." My brother states, shaking their blood off his hand.

Leon and Alex toss a bucket of cold water over the two waking them up a little.

"Your last Saint Mary's contract, before you won your freedom. Do you both remember?" Sucking in some air, Tommy demands, "Speak!"

The oldest of the two goes to speak his beaten state doesn't allow for much. His bloodstained teeth are visible as he opens his mouth and the overflow of blood trickles out. "If I hadn't pulled that trigger on your assigned target, you both would be dead." Wiggling his finger between both men, he seethes, "Both of you owed me your lives."

"N-No," Sergio, the older brother, rebukes.

"No?" Tommy questions, infuriated.

Shaking his head vigorously, he looks down at his unconscious brother as Alex throws another bucket of water on him.

"It was me, not Rocco." Swallowing the lump in his throat, he meets Tommy's eyes. The blood from his split eyebrow runs down his cheek. Tommy pulls out a knife from his ankle hoister and plunges it into Rocco's thigh. That wakes up the man instantly.

"Fuck," he screams in pain. His face tremors as his eyes budge out of his head. Blood from the earlier punches Tommy delivered drips out of his mouth.

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