Chapter 10 - Time To Go

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I defeatedly slid down the wall and leaned my arms on my knees, letting my raw knuckles breathe to settle the throbbing pain that shoots through them. It's taken over two hours for any one of us to calm down. I stormed out of that boardroom. The moment those words left her lips, I was engulfed in flames. I needed air—I needed to unleash. Carlos followed me. Alex followed Tommy in the opposite direction. Leon and José stuck by Sal and Mark.

That cunt was this close the whole time, attending functions, always around Bianca. Although my sister dislikes, or I should say more like, despises the Di Vitto's just as much as the rest of us, for Zia Camila, she spoke to him politely and made more of an effort at functions than the rest of us.

Images of my sister and the state she was found in erupts another surge of rage, and I'm consumed once more. Bianca never spoke to us about the events; I only know what Petro relayed. The gang-rape consisted of six men, three masked and three unmasked. The unmasked fuckers were only allowed to perform anal. She had been forced into double penetration each time.

Bile rises into my mouth as all the events and relayed information flood my mind. I had hoped the rape kit results would identify all of them; however, they didn't. The three masked stopped raping her days before dumping her. Under their supervision, the unmasked men continued to rape her daily while the others watched, jerked off, and forced her to swallow. My sister is unaware we know these details.

She was between two and three weeks pregnant when the final blood test was performed. She remained tormented months after the abortion. I remember the only words she spoke to Tommy and me.

"I know it's my child too, and this situation is shattering me. I just can't live with a reminder of what happened. I need to forget, and I fear I will resent my child if I keep it."

My words to her as a brother, "Whatever decision you make, we stand by you." Before promising to kill every single one of the fuckers in front of her.

The abortion wasn't easy. However, tormenting thoughts of her child being a product of rape led Bianca to that decision. Petro ran a DNA test on the fetus discovering Giovanni Agosti fathered it.

I had killed two of the three unmasked men by that stage. I was hoping Giovanni would give up the other two masked men. That motherfucker refused. He stated, giving the other two up would place a death sentence on his only child, the bastard he referred to as the Mistake. The single piece of information he tried to bargain his life with was the fact Stefano Dante Morelli was still alive.

Bianca spent the next two years wearing oversized clothes, scared to walk outside alone, knowing they were still out there. She refused to make eye contact with her brothers, cousins, and even our father. Petro is the one that slowly gave her confidence, bought life back into her eyes. The images of her bruised face and injures come to mind, and I froth like a savage animal.

Carlos sits next to me quietly, lost in his thoughts. He's no stranger to emotions a man feels when a woman they care about endures rape and abuse. He respects me enough not to speak and simply be here.

The mafia life is brutal; we are constantly surrounded by darkness, and danger is always looming. We're raised to be many things by our grandfather, my father, and uncles. They also drilled into our heads simple facts. Men are physically stronger than women; our punch to theirs holds more force. We easily overpower them. It is weak men and cowards who will raise a hand on a woman and rape her to feel strong and superior. Those same men cower away from conflict with another man.

My grandfather had sisters. My father had a sister, and despite the crime, they wanted us to be gentlemen in front of women. It was also one of my mother's strict rules. "Have your puttanes, but don't abuse. They will give what you want willingly and don't walk away and find another" My father's words.

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