Chapter 18 - Emotions Run High

Start from the beginning

Bianca struggles to make eye contact with her father and brothers, she tries her hardest, but the shame won't allow her. Stefano's features painfully scrunch together as he looks at his sister. He is starting to love his family, and seeing her like this, is truly heart-wrenching.

Antonio, still comforting Nat, clenches his jaw at the news. After all, Bianca is his niece, and she was violated, losing her virginity to a bunch of animals. Squeezing his hold on Nat, he attempts to control his fury with deep breaths.

"I will have him raped multiple times a day!" Luciano continues to fill us in on his plans. Turning to Tommy, he places his hands on his hips and demands, "Call William. It's playtime."

My eyes widen; he means every word. He's going to have a man rape him repeatedly. I'm not sure how I feel about this. No one deserves it more than that pig, especially after what he inflicted on Bianca, but the Morelli's aren't meant to cross those lines. Or does that only apply to women? I guess it must.

Tommy pulls out his phone and makes the call without hesitation, fulfilling his father's orders. I'm still sitting on the floor; Lia now sits next to me. She managed to calm down from her anxiety attack without a sedative. However, she's still in disbelief that I am here and holds my hand tight. Raffaele comes and sits on the other side of me, throwing his arm over my shoulders. I turn to face him with a meek smile. He's brought me home, put that ring back on my finger, and will end mine and his sisters' tormentors once more.

"I love you," I mumble as he leans in to kiss me.

Both he and Tommy are giving Bianca some space. They understand she needs Petro. Although family helps, it's your man that makes it feels untarnished. Nora watches her daughter's interaction with her fiancé, and her shattered heart pieces together. With pain-grieved eyes, she meekly smiles at my cousin. Luciano, although still fuming, embraces his wife to settle the tremor in her body.

In hopes of pulling the attention away from his daughter, Luciano orders, "Tell us the story."

Nodding, I dislodge the lump in my throat and relay, "I went to the ladies to freshen up before getting on that stage. Camila was there, and she was frantic. She gave me a note." Everyone listens without speaking. The only people in this room who know this story are Petro, Raffaele, Tommy, and Carlos. I glance around and continue, "The note warned me about the assassin waiting to take a hit the moment I got on the stage. Roberto wanted me to die first and, in time, eliminate Nathan as well. He knew if Raffaele lost us both simultaneously, it would send him into a grief-stricken state, and his plan wouldn't work."

I run my free hand through my hair as Matteo takes a seat on the floor on the side of Lia. Mariano leans against the wall while Mia leans into him. "If the assassins failed to kill me on that night, then Nathan would become Raffaele's first loss. Two of Tommy's assassins had their guns aimed at my son and aunt."

My sisters' eyes widen with horror. They can't believe someone could be that cruel to hurt a baby. They have grown close to my son; they love and adore him. Both have tears running down their face as they listen to me. Nora and Luciano's features harden; they also love their grandson more than words could ever express. Snapping their heads towards Tommy, he confirms with a nod. Luciano is practically frothing with rage, and now it is Nora's turn to try to settle the shake in his body.

I smile meekly at my cousin, remembering how petrified he was and how quickly he snapped out of it. He set up a plan within minutes. The hospital was prepared, ready to take me into surgery and declare me dead.

"I had six minutes to come up with a plan. Petro helped me do just that. Please, understand," I beg them all. Sweeping my watery eyes around the room, I watch their features morph with confusion. "I couldn't lose my son. I couldn't. Regardless, that night I was going to get on that stage and receive a bullet. Petro made sure it wouldn't be fatal. I didn't want to make you all believe I was dead, but I had to. It needed to be believable." My pleading eyes show nothing but the truth, my voice cracks. I'm fearful they will blame my cousin.

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